[-] [email protected] 1 points 7 hours ago

Just chiming in to say I've also run into this a few weeks ago. If I recall correctly, I don't think it happens all the time either.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

Super cute, though the music sounded weirdly ominous to me. It sounded less baby otter playing with toys and more baby Cthulhu playing with humans as toys.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Ah! Glad to hear that. Yeah, starting new meds can be rough for the first while. Especially if you're experiencing side effects (which in my experience at least vastly diminished over time). Good luck, and I hope you're able to start getting some better sleep. That'll make a huge difference once possible.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

If you can't sleep and are trying to kill time anyway, why not look into something like mindfulness meditation? It might help you keep some of those anxious thoughts in check to the point where you can actually focus on something to take your mind off of whatever is causing your issues.

I'm sure it's not for everyone, but it helped me a lot when I was at my worst.

Also, you indicate that your anxiety and depression are due to some personal issues (which it sounds like will no longer be an issue in a month). If I'm understanding that correctly, that sucks for the time being but I'm glad to hear it has an expiration date. If those are feelings you deal with chronically, however, and you have the means to do so, I highly suggest trying to find professional help. The right meds can make an absolute world of difference, and talk therapy can help you straighten out how you approach those feelings.

Whatever route you take, I hope this passes for you soon and you start to feel so much better. Those feelings suck, but life can absolutely get better.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 3 days ago

I think this might fall under "cruel and unusual punishment" for his cellmate. Imagine having to live in a tiny room with this blowhard.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

I replied the same thing to another comment, but I had thought it locked down the whole library rather than just the one game being played. I could have sworn I ran into that issue but it's been a long time since I tried it do I suppose I misremembered.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 3 days ago

I was under the impression that if someone is playing a game from your library you can't access it unless you boot them out (or you put steam in offline mode, meaning no updates or multiplayer for the duration). Is that no longer true?

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

Jesus Christ. I just saw the body of your post which implies that this was something you had to pay for. Were you by chance the victim in a prank show?

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

Growing up there was this punk house in my town I spent a lot of time at. For some reason they had a giant bag of packing peanuts, and someone said they were edible. We proceeded to eat a fair number of them. Not like a ton, but probably a few each. Definitely more styrofoam than a person should eat.

There was also a small trampoline in the living room and I remember one day where it was declared acceptable to nut-punch each other. Just adding that to give context for the collective genius at work there.

Anyway, I guess that was my body's introduction to microplastic.

[-] [email protected] 64 points 5 days ago

I'm kinda shocked that the Trump campaign would agree to this. These rules seem directly in response to his debate style.

For all Biden's many faults, having to share a stage with him in a civilized manner is almost certain to work against Trump. Especially when his campaign is consistently trying to paint Biden as mentally unwell and out of touch.

I'm glad it's happening, just shocked that it's happening under these conditions. I fully expected the Trump campaign to find a reason to back out leading up to this, and any of those rules would likely be a justification for that that his base would be fine with.

[-] [email protected] 68 points 5 days ago

ICQ was my first foray into meeting girls online, back when that was a really weird thing to do.

Post a/s/l to pay respects.

[-] [email protected] 151 points 6 days ago

Imagine how different the world was for people with super niche interests before the internet. Back then, this would have been seen as the weird (or at best eccentric) guy in your town who collects fire alarms and won't stop talking about them. Now he's presumably got a fulfilling social life via his unusual hobby, and an outlet to share his thoughts to a willing audience.

For all its many faults over the last decades, this is the pure internet at its best.

Thanks, Tmpod! (lemmy.ca)
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just wanted to thank Tmpod for creating this community. I was complaining about a general lack of places for episode discussions on the Fediverse, and Tmpod mentioned thinking about starting a community for The Boys. Given that I'm also a fan of the show, I'm very happy to have a place to share thoughts on the episodes of this new season.

I'm now prioritizing watching the currently-released episodes of Season 4 asap so I can help get this party started.

Tmpod is a great example of what makes the Fediverse so great!

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Inspired by another recent synthwave post here, I thought I'd share a different aspect of the genre. Whereas a lot of synthwave has a dystopian John Carpenter feel to it (which I think is great!), tons of groups sit on the other thematic side of 80s throwback, having a more upbeat John Hughes movie kinda sound.

These Australian dudes rarely release new music but everything they touch seems to end up perfect. If you like poppy 80s sounds, incredible vocals, and campy SciFi you'll probably love this. They've developed a whole SciFi universe to go along with their music and bill themselves as, "The Interstellar Synthwave Band."

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I hope this isn't an inappropriate question to pose here.

If all goes well I'll be a first-time dad this summer and I want to do my research. I've done some general searching online for answers to specific questions, but I'd love two or three more comprehensive resources. You know, the kind of thing to give me answers to questions I hadn't even considered.

I spent some time searching for pregnancy books oriented to men, thinking it could give me some useful insight into being an ideal partner during the process. At the same time, I'm hoping it'll give me a good general idea of what to expect. The results of my search were rather disappointing. It seems like the majority of books of that nature seem overly bro-ey and just generally too macho for me. I found titles legit along the lines of "Baby Hacks EVERY Man Must Know." Ok, not for me ...

A few popped up that on the surface seemed more promising, but when I looked into them I got wary. One seemed to be sponsored by some men's parenting social media site and the other was written by a self-professed influencer. Also not for me. (I'm on Lemmy because I can't stand influencer-culture.)

I finally settled on a book that seemed a little more my speed in terms of attitude, but with very little substance. It's basically 150 pages of, "Hey, you should be nice to your wife." OK. That's already my standard operating procedure, so we're good there.

I feel like what I want has to be out there. I'm just looking for a resource to tell me all of the little things. You know, stuff like signs to watch out for regarding potential dangers during the pregnancy, what the hell I'm supposed to do while my wife is giving birth, how to avoid falling down the stairs with my new baby, etc.

Anyway ... Do any of ya'll have any hidden gems to recommend? My wife and I are elder millenials so we've got some life experience under our belts. As it probably matters for the topic of parenting, we're quite progressive but don't buy into anything too woo-woo (we're big believers in science).

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