I hope I’m wrong too. But I don’t think I am.
Honestly, even if the man himself were still around to push back, they’d probably call him an “an tea fuh woke mind virus communist” or some shit like that.
I think, societally, this country is completely done. This is our final form, and I hate it with every bone and sinew in my body.
He also probably thinks it’s green
Is this a surprise?
Haha wow this would probably be super dangerous if he did it in a country with one of the most lax firearms laws in the world and where the ratio of firearms:population is notably greater than 1
tHEy wOn’T TouCh sOCiAL SecUriTy, thAT’s CraZy
-so, so many people that I’ve talked to.
Stop being surprised. They made a playbook. The posted it online 5 years ago. They said they’d follow it. They are following it. They will continue to follow it. This is not a surprise. You’re not allowed to be surprised.
Oh, good. They themselves shouldn’t mind, then.
This isn’t a parallel to the Munich Agreement.
The appropriate and correct historical parallel is the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact.
Ok. Break into my Signal chats, without access to my phone. Go.
Oh wait: you can’t.
So, let’s take a second and make something crystal clear:
This isn’t because he covered protests.
It’s because he INTENDED TO cover protests.
What a time to be alive.
I know that. This is me just expressing my frustration.