[-] [email protected] 1 points 14 hours ago

What do you call a Dem politicians who's against the party platform because it's too progressive?

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

He doesn't need to legalize.

He just needs the DEA to remove it from the scheduling system. He could order them to do that. And replace them if they refused.

Biden doesn't want to do it. So he pretends the presidency is weak and he has no power over federal agencies Then tells us if trump is president he's dangerous because he'd be in charge of all the federal agencies, and would be able to replace anyone who disagreed with him.

I don't know if it's normal neoliberal bullshit, but it's a really bad look for Biden to always be contradicting himself like that.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago

The conversation is if Biden should be the candidate.

The fact that people can't say a single good thing about Biden without comparing him to trump...

Should be enough for everyone to realize those things are true for anyone else that would run.

Leaving no valid reason Biden should be the nominee.

This election is too important to just let Joe have another go

[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 days ago

Nearly two-thirds of the more than 1,300 respondents said they believe Biden lacks the mental fitness to be president. That includes almost 4 in 10 Democrats.

And 60% polled said trump was going to win....

But I'm sure people are going to say this poll is good for Biden.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

They played a clip while I'm waiting for the press conference, and honestly?

This one wasn't that bad.

He realized it almost immediately, and came up with a rebound. It wasn't a good recovery, but it's better than him just wandering off after it.

If it was a normal candidate we'd laugh about this one, and there's a lot more important things going on.

Quick edit:

That being said I could have sworn this was supposed to start at 6:30, I don't know if the Putin comment has changed anything, but he's not coming out so far.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 4 days ago

But practically, he could split the party

Bruh who the fuck would vote for Joe Biden if he wasn't the Dem nominee?

trump? Yeah, that threat has teeth, republicans are stuck with him

But Biden? He doesn't really have supporters, he has people who want to stop trump.

[-] [email protected] 42 points 4 days ago

I mean, realistically we knew it four years ago...

Its why we kept trying to argue Biden needed a better VP. But moderates told us VPs don't matter.

I can hold my nose for Kamala, but fuck man. If there ain't a real primary next election I'm over the party.

I've voted D for president for literally 20 years now...

08 was the only time I didnt just vote against the Republican party.

[-] [email protected] 42 points 4 days ago

Ultimately, the decision rests with Biden on whether he stays in, and the president has been insistent this week that he’s not going anywhere. But these sources say that Biden is done — whether he drops out before November or loses to Trump on Election Day.

It's not Biden's decision.

The DNC is a private organization with a nonbinding primary.

They could put Steamboat Willy on the ballot if they wanted to

[-] [email protected] 79 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Texas doesn't regulate their power grid...

It's why they can't connect to the rest of the country's power grid...

I'd say someone from Texas should know that, but if y'all did you wouldn't keep voting Republican >

[-] [email protected] 125 points 4 days ago

The Harris County Republican Party criticized CenterPoint in a social media post for its “seemingly lack of preparedness.”

The reason this keeps happening in Texas is republican deregulation though...

[-] [email protected] 96 points 5 days ago

“For some reason, the African American culture has influenced most of the student body. How? In African Americans, they have a gene for the pimp walk, which is dominant. What is the result if you cross (student name) homozygous dominant Latina with a homozygous recessive Hmong like (student name)?”

The question goes on to refer to the dominant trait as walking with a limp and the recessive trait as normal.

The teacher also claimed falling asleep in class was dominant.

And all the examples seem to be the same basic question, just different insults shoehorned in.

[-] [email protected] 232 points 5 days ago

That's what Elon wants you to see.

Not just on a personal level, but the algorithm knows if you get hooked, you're gonna be on the platform a lot.

Like, you're basically asking why your shady drug dealer keeps trying to get you to try meth.

They care about profit more than you're well being. So they're throwing an addictive thing at you at every opportunity

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