Stop threatening me! /s
Supporting both snaps and apparmor above selinux would be disappointing to me. Snaps more so, I at least get why AppArmor has supporters
Ehh to snaps. That would 100% be the first thing of support to drop if I were them. That said it cool to see more immutable distros experimenting, I wonder how much overlap there is the Kalpa since it is btfs based.
Honestly there definitely still seems some good space for innovation in the immutable space before we "figure it out", so the more smart people experimenting the better!
Honestly I've been trying to figure out how to convince more people in my credit union why FOSS matters.
At the very least a choice. Keep using it as is or get updates related to the new agreement.
I honestly do love the aspect of it.
Exactly I fully expect Russia to continue cutting edge early 2000s os development
Tbh I go back to peertube any time I hit a performance issue. Which is more often then you would think, but I think it's because I'm a Firefox user with adblock.
For real the upload date is super needed in tech data because stuff gets updating so much
No doubt. The gap between designers and non technical users is a collaborative space that doesn't seem to me meet by foss but does seem meet by companies like Adobe using the massive amount of feedback sources and teams of designer does meet.
I, a "technical" user, find FOSS UX way better to me, but I can read and underatand issues on git, make merge requests, and even read some code to grasp how something should be working. That UX for shaping the actual program UX doesn't work for the "non-technical" crowd.
Sorry if I'm just ranting now lol, it's just something I keep trying to iterate when these issues pop up, hoping something comes up with a good solution.
So far it's education (grow the technical user base and bam better UX for FOSS!), commercial support and have support feedback for users, and maybe adaptive UXs using some kind ml feedback mechanism.
Honestly though we are doing the former and money is the limit to success (why pay for free? Is a hard sell for a product that isn't quite what someone wants yet).
The latter I just haven't seen a clean enough setup to start hacking with myself, and honestly means getting the metric collection for a lot of FOSS apps squared up first.
No! Not as far as I can see and I couldn't find any foss software supported on my phone for it. That is a cool feature!
Dunbar's number especially when used to contextualize the potential limits of human organization, such as relying only hiring friends and family. The chances that of the 200 people who probably know pretty well also happen to be the best candidate for an important task is low. Most exaggerating case of this is presidential nominees for positions. Like of course it's the same guy for a few admins, it's who they know that is remotely qualified.