[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Yeah it is kind of like the "trust, but verify" paradigm. It will likely generate useful code or a very good starting point, but you should always check if it actually does what you expect it to.

You can't trust them blindly. But They're very helpful in your day to day tasks.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

What bugs? I dont think I've actually run into any bugs?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Strange. The PC game pass still shows it has access to the latest releases ans is only 12$ ( in the article twitter link )

[-] [email protected] 14 points 6 days ago

Blizzard used to do that as well with world of Warcraft updates IIRC ( during vanilla )

[-] [email protected] 64 points 2 weeks ago

The reason is more likely that they want to avoid people enabling all the software features they disabled because you didn't take the super-premium-customer-comfort pack for 15$/month.

How do you expect car manufacturers to survive you anticapitalist swines! /s

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello fellow Linux gamers!

I've recently switched to nobara for gaming. I've had no real issues so far and it's all running smoothly! Queue my Xbox controller.

A year or two ago I bought an Xbox wireless control ( 2020 version according to the order ). Now I wanted to use the controller, but it is not being detected. The light keeps blinking. On nobara itself it looks like it mounted the dongle as a USB Stick.

That would explain why the controller isn't connecting.

How would I best go at tackling this? Any tips? I've already ran the following command:


This installed some drivers and required a reboot ( which I did ).

Thanks in advance for any guidance or tips!

[-] [email protected] 68 points 2 months ago

Lets get one thing straight.

This is rarely ever the developer and more a business stakeholder forcing you to push the Friday deploy button.

I've had somebody in the business escalating to my team lead, head of development and CIO because i flat out refused to deploy something on Friday at 16h.

So no. This is not the developer making a hard choice. There should be somebody coercing or forcing him to push the deploy button.

[-] [email protected] 241 points 2 months ago

It enticed me to start gaming on Linux. So its definitely doing some enticing

[-] [email protected] 119 points 2 months ago

They really want me to shift my gaming PC to Linux. Gaming is the only reason it's still in windows 10.

But now? Ads? Full time spying? And they choose to do all this at a time when proton is making gaming on Linux easier than ever?

Okay then. Heck. I'll gladly help my friends install Linux in their main device.

Hey government. This includes all your devices too. I'm sure you'll be able to turn it off, and by some bug oversight it just hides everything but not actually turn it off.

Do something about it. Stop blindly trusting bigcorp to do the right thing. They've proven time and time again they WILL NOT.

[-] [email protected] 116 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Legitimate interest is just bullshit.

Can I have your:

  • wallet
  • emails received
  • telephone number
  • pin code
  • visa card numbers
  • browser history
  • home address
  • dates you won't be home
  • alarm code

I too am legitimately interested in this data.

[-] [email protected] 76 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Now only 1400$ a month to watch any show at 480p! Upgrade now to 2100$ per month for the high resolution videos? Can't afford it? Just get another job you lazy hobo!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello all,

I've recently gotten a MacBook pro at work. In the past I've mainly used Linux, so the switch isn't super drastic. I'm mainly getting used to the shortcuts. My work mainly involves DevOps related work.

Things I've installed so far ( besides standard things like an IDE ):

  • neovim
  • brew
  • rectangle
  • jq / uw
  • docker desktop
  • iterm2

I have some coworkers excited about Alfred, which I have installed, but haven't really used yet. Looks like an enhanced spotlight?

Any apps/tools you can recommend which makes your life easier on Macs? Hidden productivity gems?

[-] [email protected] 290 points 7 months ago

Can we boycot the companies that do this already. I get the AC IP is nice, I've certainly enjoyed my fair share of their games.

But the ad industry is completely getting derailed. What's next ? Watch a 15s promo video every time you want to open te fridge? Watch a promo video before you can open the door?

Have your walls randomly show you ads?

Stop buying their shit. Regardless of how decent the game is. Punish them for the predatory practices. Demand refunds.

But no. People will likely be outraged, and then next game angry and then the next game they'll suck it all up and complain about the good all days.


[-] [email protected] 66 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Another is also probably the argument of "nothing to hide, nothing to fear".

People always forget that you have nothing to hide if you know what they're looking for. The problem is you don't know what they're looking for. And the thing they're looking for can change over time. And once you've given it you can't take it back.

Not to mention that while you share it with one party, they'll sell you off.

People always assume nothing to hide means not doing anything illegal that'll make you end up in jail.

They think there's somebody going through all the data and that this would be too much work. They really don't/won't understand that computers have been able to do this at scale for years.

If any bigtech company does it it's fine. But if I ask them for their unlocked phone for 10 minutes to sift through their messages with the promise I'll give them free advice on how to solve their problems it's none of my business.


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