Or what? What are you doing to do about it if they don't change at all; if they'd rather lose with a lesser fascist than win with a progressive?
Then there's no cost to you making this promise:
I hereby swear to not lecture leftists about voting third party in 2026, because there will be no election in 2026.
It doesn't matter anymore, so it should be easy to agree with.
Sanders already left the party
And now I shall imagine that's what all ftp:// URLs are saying.
The comic shows a smaller govt and says that's bad for the poor.
The person to whom you're responding is saying Republicans actually create a bigger government that's worse for the poor.
They're spending less on social services and frittering it away on government bibles that only Trump sells.
If Libertarians were libertarians, they'd oppose the Taft-Hartley Act.
Probably not, they're terrible at DNA editing.
Sorry, crypto is back in season.
Which one do you think it is? HI? VT?
If nobody wants to clean the shower, then it's not the administration's problem if grime starts to build up on it.
Some of these examples amount to de facto collective punishment by introducing a tragedy of the commons.
"The new arrival didn't clean up the ancient infested shower of disease, so she too consents to never getting a shower."
Paying some prisoner a pittance to clean the shower every week would be insignificant compared to the cost of containing them. And it reduces the incentive for a gang to privatize the showers.
Let's not experiment on clever new prison ideas. Let's just copy Finland.
Fun fact: Hitler's involvement in the war was a huge factor in their defeat. He bought his own bullshit.
Opportunity cost