
joined 2 years ago
[–] exapsy 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

They're not all dead. They're casualties, but not dead necessarily. 100-200k are. still a huge number though. Plus many of them have huge injuries, some dont have arms, some are blind ... devastating.

[–] exapsy 4 points 2 years ago

Coz he has only a few bells, less than my dog, while the rest are moving sheep clinging around. with their circle-shaped artzy bells.

[–] exapsy 4 points 2 years ago

Shadow units are really accurate. Haven't you seen the whole at the bridge? They are so accurate they can point exactly at the middle of the road if they want to and it will hit precisely that.

[–] exapsy -1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

No, the app is made for everybody who wants to use a messenger. Not just you and him. It's supposed to be under the standards of the feddiverse.

The comments here are not a poll. Providing especially personal comments about a nerdy user like me and the guy I replied about "I would like it like ICQ" and such shit, would not help the creator make a good choice. Most people nowadays, especially zoomers, dont even know what ICQ is or how it works or how to even login to it. Most people, proven by ehm ... the success of messenger, discord, whatsapp, telegram, viber, signal everything ... want a messenger that provides what the mainstream messenger wants with most of the features that everybody provides and are mainstream used while having ease of access.

I could say the same with the guy I replied to. Again, I'm a software engineer with nerdy-influences towards Vim, Arch, barebones are much as I can, shortcuts only, i3wm, etc etc. But I'm also a UX/UI designer after-work for my own projects and I try to get in the shoes of the average user. Do you think the average user would want i3wm for their own window manager? Or Linux? Or Matrix with its own messy half-baked two-step verification? There's UX/UI department for a reason. There's no such thing as "you and me", there's "this audience and this audience". And the nerd audience is a very small one.

We should try to help the creator. Not misguide him. Again, the comments are not a poll, they're supposed to help to make a constructive conversation. And when you talk as if the app is made only about yourself, you're not really helping.

[–] exapsy 2 points 2 years ago

That's a great way of putting it.

Although, when you have millions of people in a platform it's hard to prevent playful "wars" and "games" between people which works like chain-reaction and everybody starts doing anything or streamers like XQC realizing they can make content out of this and putting their own "minions" aka viewers to make chaos.

Sometimes, some things are just not in your control.

[–] exapsy 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I talked about various audiences not just myself. The person I replied to talked as if the app was made for him explicitly. "VoIP is not something I'd care about, file transfers are" like this kind of talking is like bruh, the app is not made only for you.

[–] exapsy 11 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Oh yeah. Wait we had a Lemmy place here?? Bruh, I didn’t even know about it sorry.

[–] exapsy 4 points 2 years ago (7 children)

Comparing it to last year, that seems to be a lot of white space. Damn.

[–] exapsy 0 points 2 years ago

There was this business that was letting at 24:00 receipts on our tables that weren’t ours. And the girl was searching always what table didn’t have a receipt so she would give one randomly.

Either our “IRS” tax evasion works over night, or that store just makes blank receipts for drugs or other illegal acts. It was weird anyway, and self service. Wtf. Self service in the middle of the town in a beer bar pub like is just weird. Why did they have the waitress giving fake receipts then. Everything was so sketchy.

[–] exapsy 7 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Chill, you’re not the only one here.

VoIP in a mainstream messenger is something that most people use nowadays to avoid calling people from their SIM cards which costs them much.

Video calling too is something I personally use too especially on iMessage or Telegram.

I’m a software engineer, I appreciate some old school things that work perfectly well like ICQ or Vim or emacs or working only with shortcuts. But you know what’s also a shortcut? Not having to use 50 different messengers just because this one doesn’t have VoIP and I can’t bring my friends or my mom here but I can bring only my nerd friends”.

This is all business and target audience oriented. You are not the only target audience out there and especially when you don’t demand from a messenger to be able to have VoIP. Even Instagram has VoIP these days. A photo-video-media sharing app. Let alone a messenger.

[–] exapsy 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I didn’t say THE majority. You continue to change my words. I said A majority. There can be multiple majorities in a community in relation to something else. And in the business world when you say 1/3 of shares is owned by X entity, that IS a majority. Because the rest is most likely 1 million other people/entities with no power, some are VC, some are CEO, some are other seeders.

I understand you may not know much about the business world. It’s not bad not knowing things. And stop insulting people for not knowing something. Shaming people for lack of knowledge is just such a loser mentality. It’s like sucking your own cock.

And at last you answered without direct insults, but you still gave me a “you have a little grasp of business economics and maths” which is ironical.

1/3 is a big portion to own from a company. I’m in the business world, I’m also been a trader for years now, we also do discussions on our company’s surge meetings about IPOs and I have friends who’ve been bank CEOs or still are. Believe me. 1/3 is a big portion to own from a company. You own

1/3 of the decisions in a sense that the company does. You have huge voting power and rights. Stop pretending to be blind for the sake of proving yourself right.

[–] exapsy 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

Tencent has only funded 158 million [...] that's only 1/3 of the shares

and that's not a majority of the shares? Are you stupid or you're pretending to be?

Because so far you've only insulted me but now it's time for me to insult you. You firstly clearly don't know how to make a discussion work without insulting your counterparty, and secondly don't know in english the difference between "THE majority" and "A majority".

You talk like a classic 9gagger who only knows how to talk with insults and misinformation and with pure arrogance. 1/3 is a majority of the shares. That's how it works in business. 1/3 is a big number to take big decisions and make vetos and be on the table.

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