[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago
[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Big Social Media shares many characteristics of a drug, with similar anti-social consequences by overuse. But as with drugs, social media is just a symptom of the underlying problem.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

It will still have made the rounds, since it trended on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39667026

Big AI Commons (blog.erlend.sh)
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Some excerpts:

What comes out of Big Corp’s ASS

When you hook up your mind to a cloud-controlled Artificial Synthesizer (ASS), you plainly receive their fully digested discharge.

You don’t get to see what happened further up in the synthetic digestive tract of the ASS, where copious amounts of data grub were initially ingested and processed by a divine black-box entity.

You don’t have any insight into where and who those morsels of data came from, and you certainly don’t get any say in which of them the entity should or should not consume for processing and output, delivered to you through the ASS-as-a-Service.

All you’re supposed to do is open your mind’s mouth wide and say “please” and “thank you” for the grossly diluted information bits you’re about to receive.

They’ve already laid claim to our collective land, labor and attention. With AI, they want to own our thoughts and the last shred of agency that comes with them. If we fail to defend our personal sovereignty at this juncture, a dark age of the corporate singularity awaits us."

To land a real blow, look for where the machines are at their most materialized. Take aim at their massive bodies of data and strike there with conviction."

[-] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

With the now accepted RSA signatures for DPoP tokens, the ephemeral, dynamic clients and the basic serving of webid documents for each user, Rauthy should now fully support. Solid OIDC. This feature just needs some more real world testing with already existing applications though.

EVENT_MATRIX_ERROR_NO_PANIC This new config variable solves a possible chicken and egg problem, if you use a self-hosted Matrix server and Rauthy as its OIDC provider at the same time. If both services are offline, for instance because of a server reboot, you would not be able to start them.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

One of the best features of Lemmy is that it supports a combination of image and text. I wish including the source link of a comic would be a standard practice on the fediverse, just like alt-text already is.

Source links are great for:

  • Properly crediting and driving traffic to artists
  • Checking authenticity
  • Preventing image degradation for re-shares

p.s. I was thinking of posting this as a meta-post in /c/comicstrips but I only saw guidelines for how to post comics there.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There’s a major convergence of OAuth/OIDC support across fediverse applications, Matrix is going all-in on it as its root default, and other social web protocols are tagging along as well.

Like the separation of church and state, it seems prudent to keep the management of our digital identities separate from our social network servers.

Domain-based OIDC accounts, especially when self-hosted, serve the function of a minimum-viable ‘nomadic identity’.

With the emergence of Rauthy, being a self-hosted OIDC provider is suddenly viable. All that’s missing is web sign-in (IndieAuth lite) as single sign-on for the masses.

Mastodon post: https://writing.exchange/@erlend/111376285042429865

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Oxide is a personal project that takes inspiration from the principles discussed in "Notes on a Smaller Rust" and its follow-up, "Revisiting a 'smaller Rust'". It aims to explore a new language design that simplifies and optimizes the development process while inheriting Rust's best qualities.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Secure by default

It tries to be as secure as possible by default while still providing all the options needed to be compatible with older systems. For instance, if you create a new OIDC client, it activates ed25519 as the default algorithm for token signing and S256 PKCE flow. This will not work with old clients, which do not support it, but you can of course deactivate this to your liking.

MFA and Passwordless Login

Rauthy provides FIDO 2 / Webauthn login flows. If you once logged in on a new client with your username + password, you will get an encrypted cookie which will allow you to log in without a password from that moment on. You only need to have a FIDO compliant Passkey being registered for your account.

Fast and efficient

The main goal was to provide an SSO solution like Keycloak and others while using a way lower footprint and being more efficient with resources. For instance, Rauthy can easily run a fully blown SSO provider on just a Raspberry Pi. It makes extensive use of caching to be as fast as possible in cases where your database is further away or just a bit slower, because it is maybe running on an SBC from an SD card. Most things are even cached for several hours (config options will come in the future) and special care has been taken into account in case of cache eviction and invalidation.

Highly Available

Even though it makes extensive use of caching, you can run it in HA mode. It uses its own embedded distributed HA cache called redhac, which cares about cache eviction on remote hosts. You can choose between a SQLite for single instance deployments and a Postgres, if you need HA. MySQL support might come in the future.

Client Branding

You have a simple way to create some kind of branding or stylized look for the Login page for each client. The whole color theme can be changed and each client can have its own custom logo. Additionally, if you modify the branding for the default rauthyclient, it will not only change the look for the Login page, but also for the Account and Admin page.

Already in production

Rauthy is already being used in production, and it works with all typical OIDC clients (so far). It was just not an open source project for quite some time. Keycloak was a rough inspiration in certain places and if something is working with Keycloak, it does with rauthy too (again, so far).

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Really fast post parser, notifications, OpenTelemetry, dedicated job runner, and more!

Now with pre-built binaries for Windows, MacOS, and Linux with install scripts for PowerShell and Bash!


submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

On Marc Andreessen's "techno-optimist manifesto"

It has been thirty years. The Internet isn’t just the realm of the future anymore. It is also our present and has a substantial past. It is worth examining how the past promises of those 90s techno-optimists worked out.

They promised that technology would solve our environmental problems. And there has, just recently, been some real progress in clean tech. But the trend lines are somewhere between bad and cataclysmic. We do not inhabit the future they insisted they were building. For Andreessen, in 2023, to declare that “there is no material problem – whether created by nature or by technology – that cannot be solved with more technology” is an act of willful self-deception. Just how long are we supposed to clap-and-wait while Andreessen’s investment portfolio tries to science the shit out of the climate crisis?

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard, “This product is X, but open source.”

And I’ll admit it—I’ve done the same when describing Lago. When I’m not in the “startup pitch” mood, I default to, “We’re Stripe Billing, but open source”. Or my co-founder might say, “We’re like an open-source Chargebee.” Frankly, it gets the job done.

Of course, if that’s all there was to us, we would have failed by now. What we’ve learned is that open-source tools can’t rely on being an open-source alternative to an already successful business. A developer can’t just imitate a product, tag on an MIT license, and call it a day. As awesome as [commercial] open source is, in a vacuum, it’s not enough to succeed.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I used to be a card-carrying, passionate advocate of Free Software. I used to see Stallman lecture. I only installed Free Software on my personal computer to the fullest extent possible. I was considering buying a coreboot-compatible laptop to get rid of the rest.

But then, slowly, I stopped caring. It felt really similar to when I decided to leave Catholicism. I started noticing that these beliefs weren’t really actually helpful, and were frankly, mostly harmful. Now, I’m not saying Free Software is harmful. What I am saying is that refusing to use a wifi connection on your laptop because there aren’t free drivers helps basically nobody, and only harms yourself. Even if you are the kind of person who thinks boycotts work, there just aren’t enough free software diehards to form a large enough boycott. And even then, you’d want to do the boycott together, simultaneously, to send the message.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/6278482

In February, we were delighted by the incredible reception to the release of our open-source multiplayer-first runtime, garnering over three thousand stars on GitHub to date. Now, we're excited to introduce the next chapter for us: the Ambient platform!

The Ambient platform makes it possible to build and deploy high-performance games and 3D applications to the web, powered by Rust, WASM, WebGPU and WebTransport. It's designed from the ground up to make multiplayer games easy - your games can run on the web without users having to download or install anything, and we take care of provisioning servers for you.

That's not all, though: our modular architecture lets us build modding into the core of the Ambient experience, unlocking a new possibility - your community can develop your game with you! Anyone can contribute improvements to your game by building and testing them as mods, and you can easily try them out and make them a permanent part of your game.

Watch the launch video below, or keep reading to learn more about the technical details.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In February, we were delighted by the incredible reception to the release of our open-source multiplayer-first runtime, garnering over three thousand stars on GitHub to date. Now, we're excited to introduce the next chapter for us: the Ambient platform!

The Ambient platform makes it possible to build and deploy high-performance games and 3D applications to the web, powered by Rust, WASM, WebGPU and WebTransport. It's designed from the ground up to make multiplayer games easy - your games can run on the web without users having to download or install anything, and we take care of provisioning servers for you.

That's not all, though: our modular architecture lets us build modding into the core of the Ambient experience, unlocking a new possibility - your community can develop your game with you! Anyone can contribute improvements to your game by building and testing them as mods, and you can easily try them out and make them a permanent part of your game.

Watch the launch video below, or keep reading to learn more about the technical details.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Sounds like the sort of thing Cory Doctorow would write.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

Oh, thanks! I must have followed a gift link via Doctorow’s social because I didn’t encounter the paywall.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago

Yep. It’s Mastodon-compatible. Currently it’s UI-less (backend-only) like GoToSocial.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

Thanks for the tip! I’ll reach out to them.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Congrats! Photon looks amazing, both on Desktop and mobile. Great work 👏

Just hypothetically speaking: Would you be okay with Photon being adopted as the new official frontend for Lemmy?

I have no say in this, but I feel like it’s something the Lemmy team should consider.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

I’ve been reading a lot of your exchanges on the Lemmy GitHub and I can tell you with a high degree of confidence that you are not the subject of a hazing ritual. What’s going on is a miscommunication issue; there’s no ill will directed towards you.

The Lemmy devs are under a great deal of stress these days due to the recent influx of activity, both on the big Lemmy instances as well as the Lemmy GitHub. You’ve clearly gone to great lengths to investigate various SQL bottlenecks in Lemmy, and this work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

The problem you’re likely running into is that the Lemmy devs are trying to address a wide array of issues, whereas you are zoomed in on some very specific performance problems. Whether or not the core devs are wrong when they say your findings are irrelevant is beside the point. What they are really saying is that they do not have the attention bandwidth to try to see what you are seeing right now.

If you find yourself unable to work with the Lemmy project, there are other fedi projects in Rust like Mitra or Kitsune which might be more receptive to your contributions. I’m personally very interested in seeing rudimentary Lemmy (Groups et.al.) compatibility in Kitsune.

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