[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

It's funny how so many democracies seem to be repeating the same tale on a loop. I've been reading a lot about the fall of the roman Republic and the parallels are disturbing. A corrupt oligarchical senate/governmental-body and a political leader with influence and military might to take over the government who flouts the law to their own self interest. Of course ceaser was actually competent and trump is well... Trump. It's just astonishing how our political institutions keep failing us and how the masses keep letting them due to pure exasperation. I have no idea how this sh*t keeps happening. And worst part is I don't think there's anything we can do to turn back. The will of the majority is actively undermined and too many are openly brainwashed to be reasoned with.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

Huh, maybe. Although my point was more batman is part of that class (albeit begrudgingly) so expecting batman in a position of great power and influence to actively take that from other people is just very hypocritical. Not that he shouldn't (or someone shouldn't). Just a very weird position.

[-] [email protected] 58 points 6 days ago

You're aware he is a CEO of a company?

[-] [email protected] 52 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Most people don't wanna kill each other. And shooting back is probably going to raise the likelihood of getting murdered (i don't have any source for this). That said it is still absurd how the police flagrantly disregard peoples liberties, extra judicially execute them and get away with it with impunity. The societal contract is dead.

[-] [email protected] 63 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Last July, the U.N. adopted a resolution condemning Quran burning, calling attacks on the Muslim holy book "religious hatred." The same month the U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution that deplores all acts of violence against holy books as a violation of international law.

Holy books shouldn't be protected as some sort of sacred existence especially not globally. Religions should be scrutinised at all levels, putting any religious relic on a pedestal and enshrining protections that seem less focused on protecting followers of that religion and more on the idea of it is absurd. What's next you can't call scientology a cult because it hurts people's feelings.

Edit: adjust phrasing.

[-] [email protected] 81 points 3 months ago

after Apple started letting users choose their default browsers on iOS 17.4 in the EU last week.

Lol, srsly, why does anyone use apple devices willingly. Like for work I sorta get it if there's no alternative but it really took government action to compell this extremely basic customisation.

[-] [email protected] 64 points 8 months ago

This is such a bizarre point. Why does anyone try to use existing services when they can just make their own. Go dig a well for water and build your own dam for hydroelectric power.

[-] [email protected] 90 points 9 months ago

Israel at least seems to care about Israelis from my perspective. Hamas just sees Palestinians as collateral damage.

[-] [email protected] 106 points 9 months ago

Game preservation is dying because of DRM. You want games you can still play in 10 years, pirate that sht and donate to those keeping up the good art of game cracking. It's either that or buying remakes a decade later that are just thinly reskinned. I can live with sht like denuvo since newer games just remove it after a year and then I can buy it. Storefronts like uplay or egs that are dependent on a malignant profit only entity are at best mid-term rentals and at worst spyware you have to pay for the privilege to use.

[-] [email protected] 84 points 10 months ago

I read this as grindr loses 50% of its engineering staff because of dumb management decisions. Honestly the RTO was probably just a cop out to their dwindling user base.

[-] [email protected] 62 points 10 months ago

I have the utmost respect and appreciation for mullvad but I don't need a vpn without port forwarding so I cancelled my sub. They are still objectively the vest vpn, this is the only sticking point.

[-] [email protected] 62 points 1 year ago

All the jokes aside, it's still amazing the CEO over a year in doesn't even know how profitable being an user that drives engagement on the site is compared to a (I guess) competitor like youtube. He's just like we're as profitable as youtube for you, or if not we can be, like the guy knows nothing and is just throwing claims out there with no basis in reality or plan to follow through on them.

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