[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Watch, wallet, keys, phone, BT headphones.

MEC sling bag containing: (nicest $1 store) notebook, (Sharpie and/or 0.38 mm Muji) pens. Prescription sunglasses.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Assuming right-hand side of road driving and right-hand (anti-clockwise) directionality of travel.

  1. Look left. Clear? Proceed. Not clear? Yield.
  2. When safe to do so, enter the roundabout. Locate your exit.
  3. Exit the roundabout.

Corollary: never stop in a roundabout. Go around more than once if you have to, but don't stop.

I assume roundabouts in Australia and England and UK colonies that drive on the left, all instructions are direction-opposite.

Assuming left-hand side of road driving and left-hand (clockwise) directionality of travel.

  1. Look right. Clear? Proceed. Not clear? Yield.
  2. When safe to do so, enter the roundabout. Locate your exit.
  3. Exit the roundabout.

Corollary: never stop in a roundabout. Go around more than once if you have to, but don't stop.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

The combination of critical thinking and critical evaluation leads, inexorably, to critical theory. This is where critical race theory, critical psychology, critical sociology, and critical pedagogy arise.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

In Korean, "Hahaha" sounds more like "kh- kh- kh-", represented by, "ㅋㅋㅋ"

[-] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago

When they were handing out the disaster lunchboxes, I heard a person in line say, "they had better offer alternative milk" as though offering oat, almond, and soy like they were at Starfucks was the priority in a hurricane. I get it. Some people can't process lactose. My partner can't. Nor can she handle gluten. She, at the same time, realizes that her dietary needs might play second string to 230 km/h wind and a legit deluge. She took her white bread and cheese sandwich, milk and cereal, banana, and Oreos and dealt with it. She was more concerned with all of us being alive at the end of the day and wanting to help the staff get home to their families.

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Trelawny, Jamaica. Not sure what's happening on the southern side of the island.

Being at a resort during a hurricane is peak boring dystopia. The staff calmly fed us breakfast and handed out pack lunches — sandwiches, cereal, and bananas. Fresh towels delivered just in advance of the lockdown. Gas-powered generators provide lights, TV, and Internet. The same fuel the earliest Cat-5 hurricane in Atlantic history. We stay in our room, entertaining two kids and exchange messages with friends back home and the family we travel with. The mattress for our king-size bed covers the patio doors. The staff residence we see below has its windows boarded up.

We've used two streaming services to watch movies.

The false alarm two hours ago showed that our go-bags are ready, and we can head to shelter in under 30 s. They ever actually confirmed it as a false alarm.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Yes. But, also, it's not.

Let me explain.

The act itself is an exercise in either selfishness, selflessness, or synchronicity. Tuning into another person while still enjoying your own experience can be very challenging.

Then, there are trust issues. What are your sexual histories? What are your desires or qualms? How will your relationship look after? What if one of you doesn't like what the other did, said, smelled like, etc.?

Finally, there's the social element. Are you exclusive? Are you ok with being exclusive? What do you friends and family think of your sexual partner(s)? Does that matter to you? Are you going to have children? Does that matter to you?

Selfishness is great for the sex act, but you may not have sex often. I think it's the road to truly being an incel.

Selflessness is a great way to get hurt often, but you'll probably have lots of sex. Some sex addicts turn themselves over to their addiction.

The hard work is in developing a relationship with yourself, your needs, your partner(s), and their needs. Honesty, clarity, and uncomfortable conversations are all a part of the process.

When you find someone to experiment with, and there is ENTHUSIASTIC consent, be sure to be clear about what you're agreeing to. And, for universe's sake, foreplay is for everyone. Use protection, lubricate appropriately, and check in regularly whether everyone is still having a good time.

Then, yes. It can be mind-blowingly great.

Remember, you can do everything right and still not end up having the sex. Live to try another day.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

No one has posted an example of one read by the author, so I will: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah. Funny, insightful, and a truly incredible autobiography in his own voice and with full knowledge of all the languages he can speak.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 4 days ago

Wait, maybe the justices just gave Biden the authority to do just that.


Naw. See, if he did, that'd delegitimize the presidency and cause a constitutional crisis.

But, if a Republican President does it, it's an exercise in upholding American freedom and the true authority of the office. See the difference?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The Secretary General of the legit United Nations, said this.

Are there any adults in the rooms where decisions like "bomb Gaza" are made? Why are so few saying what defeated Jamaal Bowman are saying, "permanent ceasefire now". And remember how Bowman was defeated. $17K/hr.

Also, cute story, Lebanon is the only other country in the world to feature a plant on its flag. The Lebanese are beautiful, Mediterranean people. LEBANON is at the crossroads of empires, and now — as is often the case — Lebanese are victims of outland calamities; Syria, the dock, and econonic collapse.

Hezb. are based there. Lebanon is thus remade like Afghanistan. Isr. reserves the right to "defend".

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've seen this meme before. I have two questions:

  1. What is this meme called?

  2. Is there video of the outcome?

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There are only a few books that I've experienced both ways. I'm wondering if this is an area for exploration.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

BMO IFL in Toronto. Rumored to be coming to its end.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Democracy dies when any administration can laugh off a 4-word rebuttal of a central plank of the world's most pernicious, deadly conflict(s). Regardless of public opinion, America can't be seen to undermine its own interests.

20 February 1994. (www.gocomics.com)
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Almost got it on the day!

[-] [email protected] 18 points 6 months ago

I've given this a re-watch.

The opening credits were great.

The settings and costumes were good even if the actors weren't. If you want to see Dane DeHaan in his element, see Chronicle. Cara Delevigne ... um...

Except Clive Owen. He's a treasure. Any actor who can convincingly win a gunfight with a carrot has got the chops.

The attack over planet Mül was objectively well done and the crash scene was impressive.

It's a good bit of fun in much the same way as The Fifth Element.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 6 months ago

I'd be all about a prequel series for Morgan Freeman's character in Se7en. Only if David Fincher returned to direct through.

[-] [email protected] 55 points 7 months ago

Lilo and Stitch is the best Disney movie.

Many, many spoilers below. But, seriously, this movie is 21 years old. Get over yourselves.

Check it: a young girl adopts an illegal alien (killing machine from deep space) and protects him from the U.S. (and galactic) government (Military-Industrial complexes), while keeping her incredibly depressed sister (slices both ways) from giving up completely as they keep their Indigenous Hawaiian family together in their co-opted homeland. One sister works a series of dead-end tourism jobs; the other has anger issues. The hate each other and love each other fiercely, though they are about 12 years apart in age.

Oh, yeah, and their parents are dead.

Meanwhile, the alien is a political refugee and freedom fighter fleeing from his own people who want him dead for —get this— existing. A lab-grown, indestructible terrorist, he seeks asylum on an island — but he can't swim.

He does learn to surf.

The only downside to this film is that Disney produced it. And Elvis.

"Ohana means family. Nobody gets left behind or forgotten."

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been listening to a webradio channel from Surgut on Radio.Garden. There seems to be a lot of music produced in Russia, Estonia, and Latvia that pops up on the channel.

Is Chillout big in Russia? Or, is it basically elevator music that no one intentionally listens to?

If it is regarded as music, what — if any — attendant art, writing, or other performance is there?

Is Russia into chillout the way that Americans were into the Blues, ie. does it simply stave off the awful?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Warning: the following contains spoilers for the following works:

The Expanse, S01E01-S03E10. Abaddon's Gate (Book 3), James S.A. Corey Three-Body Problem &The Dark Forest, Cixin Liu

If you want to try it out, read 5 books and watch almost three seasons of television.

. . . .

!!The ring gates are a Dark Forest weapons system. If this was clear to others, and I'm catching up, well, I'm slow. But, I just found out about Brin (1983).!!

Then, I got it. It's such a well-structured Whatsit.

I feel pretty good about this realization. I'm glad that these works work so well together.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Achbar Mark et al. directors. The Corporation : A Documentary. Big Picture Media Corporation ; Filmwest Associates 2004.

If a Corporation is a legal entity with all of the rights of persons, what is the psychological profile of one to whom "corporate personhood" is endowed? What behaviours do Corporations exhibit which support this psychological profile?

Ask yourself honestly — If you had forever to live, access to infinite money, and no body to imprison, how would you act?

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