Looks like it expired last month so they had a 1 month grace period
yeah, i think that's actually a setting on the lemmy side, you can restrict the size of uploads to prevent abuse and such. We're using whatever the default is, i've never changed it.
Actually, reddit is not coming. That's kinda the whole problem outlined above.
i second the comment that you need to consider why you want to do this. You generally need a pretty good reason to split your codebase into multiple languages.
As far as actually doing it, you have a ton of different options, some of which have been mentioned here. Some i can think of off the top of my head:
- create a library (dll or so file or the like)
- set up a web server and use communication protocols (either web socket or rest API or the like)
- use a 3rd party communication/messaging framework like MQ or kafka or something
- create your own method of communication. Something like reading and writing to a file on disk, or a database and acting on the information plopped in
basically every approach is going to require you to come up with some sort of API that the two work together through, though, an API in the generic sense is basically a shared contract two disconnected pieces of code use to communicate.
Just like Pathfinder, OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!
nah, I'm kidding. But yeah, the video is kinda mediocre. The lyrics are ok, the delivery is meh, but like you said I appreciate the effort.
same. Ive played it for about ~10 hours on the steam deck so far, and i have my FPS counter turned on at all times; never seen it dip below 40, and i dont think ive touched any settings. On an original steam deck, not an OLED, though
for what its worth, the new (2024/2025) monster manual supposedly has spellcasting monsters with more "magical" actions built in. While they do still have a list of spells, they have more built in tailored "magic action" type things they would be using instead of spell casting in most scenarios, like having a "magic bolt" type attack for a mage or something. We don't exactly know how extensive this is yet, since we've only seen previews so far, but it could make running spellcasting creatures a bit easier.
yeah, i could see using a mix of windows midi fonts and like a real crunchy sega genesis like soundfont if i were to make/commission music for it or something (i can't make music in any way)
As far as the game master term, I'm using "Knight Commander", it's one of the early intro sections somewhere.
Thanks! I've been working on it off and on, but i think its turning out pretty good overall.
yeah, like i said, the "main" book is done, i just wanted to write a pack in adventure (which ive been too lazy to even start so far). As far as what's next, i'm not sure. I usually focus on specific side projects without trying to think about what's coming up in the future. I've been working on a metroidvania game with a friend of mine (i make video games as a hobby), but i'm thinking i'll put my focus on finishing up that, since i've somewhat been splitting my focus between this and that for the past year or so.
As far as my next tabletop project, haven't even thought about it. I usually make whatever i feel like at the time before tossing it on to my drive thru account.
windows can still play castle of the winds? i play it all the time. In fact, i just booted it up again a moment ago to make sure it didnt break recently or something. I dont remember ever having any issues playing it, and ive played it off and on for decades. In fact, googling real quick, it looks like my abandonware even has a "easy installer" for it.
Presumably, someone attempting to mug you would probably be a bandit (+3 to hit, +1 to damage), not another commoner