Possibly because the consequences 'evil' people get is effectively more like living in their own shit than external punishment. If you only look at direct repercussions it looks like they're making it pretty well, and even by their own estimates it might seem like that, but they're really just rising to the top of a story social scale. If you value that it will be frustrating.
You just mean they would have different standards. Dogs will happily eat shit and we happily chew mint which supposedly will keep entire species away from an area. If they were sentient robots would obviously be attracted and deterred by different things than we would.
That's fine, it's the group that makes giving worthwhile not necessarily each individual. There will always be those who only take, and some who seem to only give. Build things because there is a chance that you will benefit by how others extend it before you die if that makes it seem better, but we usually benefit by progress and the chance of guessing which progress it will be it's almost always wrong.
I think that might be the point in that suburbs can be this way, but it's mostly luck that you happen to have the 10 minute accessibility to the public transit piece, most seem to be a 10 minute vehicle ride away from facilities which is a huge downgrade
So you're anxiety isn't because they can't control the trait, but because you can't control or direct the impulse. Makes sense, because you are being directed by an unknown force.
Or doesn't even beat the alternative, just doesn't get beaten by the alternative too badly. Lots of traits that just 'don't get washed out' or are even a distinct disadvantage but occur alongside an advantage.
He's in the right administration for it. Basically straight out of a trump playbook, if you can call narcissism a playbook.
Yes. Safe assumption to start with.
Being interested is the most important part :)
Ha, cpa exam being easy aside, the biggest hurdle with sql is finding data handling interesting which you seem to be in the right position for. Good luck on your journey and feel free to ping for any questions or just to chat
Kind of, though with rules. I think I'm describing something closer to structured, encrypted torrents.
Yes, monke strong together. Good monke.