
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Honestly I just use a good firewall and forward_auth/authelia in caddy (so authentication happens before any apps) and it works well.

I also don't expose SSH to the public internet anymore (more laziness than anything, have it semi-exposed in yggdrasil and wireguard) (mostly because the SSH logs get annoying for journalctl -f)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I would not directly expose Jellyfin to the Internet (including reverse proxy) because of security issues they've had. And no, a reverse proxy (like Caddy) doesn't usually add much insecurity or security^.

The thing I currently do is use forward_auth w/ Authelia (from anywhere, you could also use basic_auth though the UX sucks) but bypass it for the app in private IP ranges (aka at home or in VPN):

jellyfin.example {
        @notapp {
                not {
                        header User-Agent *Jellyfin*
                        client_ip private_ranges

        forward_auth @notapp localhost:8080 {
                uri /api/verify?rd=https://authelia.example/

Apps get to continue working, and I can access it from my phone without a VPN setup (because it's annoying and I only look at metadata on my phone anyway).

You can also do a simpler config (which I used to do) where you just give an HTTP Unauthorized for anything outside of private ranges (this lets you do the HTTP challenge for a certificate while still not exposing Jellyfin to the general internet).

^You can configure more security by doing authentication in the reverse proxy so that anyone trying to attack services behind it must first authenticate with the reverse proxy, but this is not the default. Security-wise this ends up similar to forcing all access through a VPN first, if a little harder to setup.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Adds latency and now Cloudflare sees all your traffic

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

VLC lol, though I rarely actually play them.

I do download music videos I like though, they have a tendency to disappear.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

I don't find it valuable so I don't. (Maybe run top as needed.)