[-] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago

I hope you're not the pilot

[-] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago

They don't need the audio from the investigation for hit-piece commercials on Biden anymore, they have the video from the debate

[-] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I think it's a reference to Jasmine Crockett's "Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body" comment indirectly directed at MTG. Although I don't think Boebert has ever bleached her hair. Her look is unique enough that she might be the exception and the one woman who doesn't have to bleach her hair to get her Fox Commentator gig after losing her seat.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The motion will get assigned to a committee, run by Republicans, where it will die. Even if there is a sympathetic Republican on that committee, all House members are up for re-election in November, and voting for this is a sure way to get the MAGAs all up in their grill and would likely lead to that person losing a ton of MAGA support, and likely losing their job.

AOC knows this and is doing this to help Democrats in vulnerable districts, to help turn the House in the next Congress. "Elect us into the majority, and we will actually look into this."

[-] [email protected] 26 points 5 days ago

It also tries to help Democratic congressional candidates in close races. Once these get thrown in the bin, they can remind voters that if they flip enough seats, they can have meaningful impeachment hearings in the next Congress.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 5 days ago

Did you watch the debate? I was all on board with Biden until he shit the bed. We needed someone with the stamina to stand up to Trump's gish gallop, and instead Joe finally beat Medicare.

If he is on the ballot I will vote for him, knowing that I am really voting for his advisers and staff to run the country after 8 pm. But any of the names being thrown about that have experience as Governor or in national politics will be acceptable. Harris, yes, but also Newsom, Whitmer, and any of the others. Harris would be easiest to slot in, since she is technically on the same ballot.

Do you really think any Democrat in the country would say "I liked Biden, and if they get rid of him I'm staying home?" It's more likely the opposite, that people aren't looking forward to voting for Bide and may end up staying home instead.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 5 days ago

Since the Supreme Court is full of Originalists now, let's think the way the farmers would have thought. When they wrote "lifetime appointments" into the Constitution, the average life expectancy for a male child at birth was 35 years. But that counts a lot of infant and child deaths, not to mention deaths due to military service. A man who managed to make it to 50 years old in 1789 would probably have at least 21 years left. Source

So, all lifetime appointments should be forced to retire at 71, because that's how long a lifetime appointment in 1789 would have lasted. Hey, Clarence, will you go along with my thorough analysis if I give you a "gratuity" afterwards?

[-] [email protected] 16 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

There definitely seems to be a complicated dance going on right now behind the scenes. Most Democrats are going to publically back Biden even as they try privately to get him to leave. But it seems to be members of Congress, particularly from safe seats, who are the most vocal right now. (It surprised me to learn that Pelosi is running again, at the age of 84.) Pelosi can do anything short of killing a puppy and still get elected in SF.

It makes some sense, as Biden is polling significantly behind most Congressional races right now. One would think that means that Biden's baggage is not affecting those races, but maybe they have polling that indicates that there are several close races that might get a bump if Biden leaves. These Democrats in safe congressional seats will have a much harder time of the next two years if they are in the minority because Biden cost them a bunch of close seats. And, if a Trump victory is coupled with Republicans keeping the House and taking the Senate, who do you think Trump will use his newfound regal powers on first?

It is essential that Democrats keep some check on a future Trump Presidency, and they can't do that if Biden is pulling down Democratic enthusiasm enough to risk all those close races.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 5 days ago

It seems like a complete no brainer to me, I would choose it every time and pay extra for it

This part obviously isn't true, or else you would have paid for First or Business class. There's no guarantee that the expensive seats are kid-free, but it's much more likely. They'll give you free booze, too.

[-] [email protected] 56 points 6 days ago

It makes it sound like she was keeping them hidden in her basement torture chamber

[-] [email protected] 44 points 6 days ago

Hmm, Jon Stewart has a lot of influence, like it or not. If he can get behind a movement to get Joe Biden to....

Stewart also noted he was not calling on Biden to step out of the race, but asked if Democrats could “open up” a larger conversation about their candidate.

Well, shit. We're stuck with Joe, aren't we?

[-] [email protected] 55 points 6 days ago

Yeah, fuck the Crypto Bros and all, but the noise is the only documented trigger here. I can believe that exposure to constant, loud noise can cause health issues, but the rest of it reads like a copy-paste about the dangers of 5G cell towers. I find it hard to believe that noise can cause ear infections, or cause plants to die.

Its fashionable to blame the crypto bros for everything, because they are insufferable twats. But the real blame lies with the State that lets businesses generate noise with impunity.

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