I know it’s for the plot but yeah, when xyz doesn’t work because of “atmospheric interference” or whatnot they could fall back onto more primitive technologies. Tractor beam not working? Use a grappler. Phasers not working? Bring down a gunpowder firearm.
A lot of the time. Sometimes I even do research to back up my argument then I realize it’s not worth it.
Considering the amount of plastic beverage bottles, food packaging, styrofoam, etc that you’ve eaten from in the past X years (think of changing regulations like BPA before 2008-09) , this isn’t going to harm you if you do it occasionally.
I am not a doctor.
An interesting experiment on the music thing. Top songs on your 13th birthday, at least for US/North Americans. https://www.birthdayjams.com
I know this is just a meme but school is an excellent way to have a foundational understanding of how things work, and learning to problem solve including googling.
Looks like you left some snacks out for them?
Ontarian here, this instantly came to mind. At least we overturned Bill 124, so we got that going for us.
They had a big push and update a few years back focusing on redoing the UI to make it more friendly to beginners. Although I haven’t personally used it a ton since then.
We love US defaultism.
Gives a pretty good idea of Lemmy’s demographics when Godot memes are in the generic meme pages
This seems like saying road construction makes driving objectively worse or security guards make a stadium venue objectively worse.