
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

How about "Carl"?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Woah, great to see a PD2 dev here - thanks for all your efforts, PD2 is still the best Diablo I reckon!

BTW (not sure if you'd know), now that Reddit's gone to shit, are there any plans for making a PD2 community here (maybe on lemmy.ml since Beehaw doesn't allow custom communities)?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago


Yep, been playing this game for two decades and have yet to see a Ber rune drop lol.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

I'm just using the website. It's pretty usable for me, no issues like Jeroba. Of course an actual app would be nice but right now the website provides a better experience, IMO.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

As a fellow fan of 1 & 2, it's been a pretty disappointing experience. The game lacks soul, and feels more like a generic ripoff ARPG, rather than a Diablo game. Only good thing about the game so far, for me anyways, is the story and cutscenes.

My full experience is here: https://beehaw.org/post/459811

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

As a current Diablo 2 player (D2R/PD2), I'm pretty disappointed with it. I wouldn't recommend it if you were a big fan of D2. It's a lot more like D3, and a lot less like Diablo, and a lot more like a generic RPG we see these days. Lacks the Diabo "soul" if that makes sense. But if you really enjoyed D3, you may enjoy D4. It's not for me though.

My full experience is here: https://beehaw.org/post/459811

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

As a current Diablo 2 player (D2R/PD2), I'm pretty disappointed with it. I wouldn't recommend it if you were a big fan of D2. It's a lot more like D3, and a lot less like Diablo, and a lot more like a generic RPG we see these days. Lacks the Diabo "soul" if that makes sense. But if you really enjoyed D3, you may enjoy D4. It's not for me though.

My full experience is here: https://beehaw.org/post/459811

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

This is what I did: I told everyone that I'd be quitting Facebook, and if they wished to remain in touch with me, they could reach me via SMS, Signal, Email etc. Some folks continued to stay in touch, some didn't, and that's how I knew who my real friends were. People who truly care about you, will find ways to stay in touch with you.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Kindly elaborate how exactly I wasn't being nice! OP claimed that they were "forced" to use Facebook, which, I'm curious as to their choice of words, because unless their life literally dependend on it, I don't see how it's possible.

There are other social media platforms out there, and plenty of ways to stay in touch to in this digital and connected era - including using plain old SMS and email. I don't belive that it's impossible to disconnect from an evil platform such as Facebook.

The purpose of my comment was to challenge the notion that Facebook is a "necessity", and I was hoping to wean OP away from it, which can only be a good thing. The point was to spark a debate and get them to question this themselves, and reach their own conclusion. It's a good thing, not a bad thing.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

There are other platforms, plus you know, real life. Facebook isn't a necessity to maintain a social circle.

  • The field-of-view is weird. Seems less isometric and more top-down and too zoomed in.

  • As a Sorc, the design and animations of the spells suck. Chain lightning looks weak af and not fun/OP, like how it was in D2. Hydras in particular look atrocious, even the D3 Hydras looked better.

  • I constantly run out of mana, preventing me from spamming my main spells and enjoying playing as a Sorc. D2 had mana issues as well in the early game, but at least you could stock up on mana potions and have them available as a hotkey. Even without a mana potion mechanic, D3 was still pretty fun to play as a Sorc and you could still spam spells, but I'm just not getting that feeling of fun yet in D4. I cast a Hydra and a couple of chain lightnings and I'm out of mana, and have to go back to the lame main spell, which is very unsatisfactory.

  • The font seems cheap and not Diablo-y. Seems like they literally just used Times New Roman for everything, and I don't get why, just makes the game look like a cheap and generic ARPG that we've seen these past few years. The fonts used in D2R shows that the classic Diablo font still looks awesome, same with Project Diablo 2 with their new S7 graphics and HD fonts.

  • The music so far has been very unremarkable and again, not dark and Diablo-y. I miss the Diablo 1/2 music, the haunting guitar strums, the middle eastern desert themed music, the dark Indian chanting. Music play a big part in creating atmosphere, and that is missing from D4.

  • Same with other audio effects and monster sounds. Why are the Fallen no longer praising Rakanishu or Colenzo?

  • The new attribute and game mechanics isn't really clear. For starters, I'd like to be able to adjust my attributes like in D2, like say what if I wanted to try out a max-block build? Or one that emphasis on greater mana availability at the cost of vitality? The effects of items also aren't really made obvious. Like, what the heck is "Item power" on an amulet supposed to mean? Also, if I equip a staff that gives an INT boost, shouldn't the damage I deal go up? But I don't see the damage number changing when I swap weapons with different INT, does that mean INT no longer affects the damage? If INT still affects damage, what if I equip a weapon with a low damage value but high INT, would it be better than a weapon with no INT boost but high damage?

  • I miss the old transparent overlay automap. With the new one, I find myself constantly checking the big map and switching out, because the minimap is too zoomed in and kinda useless (why can't I zoom it out?)

Overall it's been pretty unsatisfying and not worth the hype for me. I'll begrudgingly complete the campaign though since I bought the game, and go back to playing PD2.

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