Lol I love this I also love tardigrades
I would disagree with this statement and call it out for being sexist, to the point of being antagonistic and hateful towards men.
Anyone can have an opinion about anything they like.
I can believe in the great spaghetti monster and wear a noodle strainer on my head at the dmv, and raises my fists in glory chanting, pastafari!
There is a difference between believing in something and using that belief to dictate what decisions other people can and can not make between them and their doctor.
It’s pretty evil. Unless the politician in question openly refuses corporate PAC money, you can be sure they take open bribes that affect their decisions to betray the will and values of the American people.
I hate to break it to you, but Biden is definitely a corporate hack.
Yea right, the only moral failing involved is the one where people try to use their random sky daddy beliefs to dictate other people’s personal choices and actions.
Absolutely man, I was raised Christian as well, although that’s one of the broadest categories of religion, could mean just about anything lol… technically I believe voodoo is Christian, and so are the Urantia folks and also the Mormons and Catholics…
Abortion to me isn’t a matter of conscious or morality to me at all. It’s about looking at the facts and making a logical decision based on the current available information.
People who are against abortion rights are in my opinion imbeciles who don’t know how to interpret factual information and believe they have the imperative to make life or death medical decisions for other people.
I don’t give a fuck what your religion says about the morality of other people. People who try to make decisions for other people based on their religion can go sodomize themselves with their religious texts.
The only person’s actions your religious belief gets to dictate is your own.
There’s no need to argue about anything. Just know that you are wrong 👍 …. Doesn’t have to happen right here right now, but hopefully one day you’ll realize how wrong you are right now.
I don’t think people are capable of engaging in genuine discourse about human sexuality.
The people who are always crying about pedos and such every time anything related to the internet and sexuality is brought up in the news creep me out.
But both reddit and lemmy also have some fucked up shit posted in them as well.
It’s not black and white…. You could almost say it is 50 shardes of gray……..
I wonder if this is because of supply chain issues from covid causing the government to have to use broken drone parts to refurbish old and broken drones
Being a landlord is risky I suppose. You shouldn’t invest if you can’t take the loss.
No he didnt
I mean, if we are just making rhetorical arguments…. Do you think Hitler believed what he was doing was evil?