
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Downvotes on lemmynsfw were being used to bully people who posted pictures of themselves. They weren't always disabled. But they became a problem and the instance felt that downvotes didn't belong in a porn instance.

There was no reason to downvotes a porn post. Ever.

If it breaks the rules, report it. If you don't like it, keep scrolling.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Was maybe 20 years ago. People said it wasn't true. But I swear to you.

I was also named person of the year. Maybe 20 years. Maybe 19. Possibly 18. But maybe 20. Who knows. That's the thing. Nobody knows. They say "you" weren't person of the year. But that's a lie.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

As my girlfriend will attest when it happens, I will yell at the car "I know more than you!"

Maybe they help sometimes, but they have too many false positives.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Yep, totally aware how they are set.

Thats a big jump to say because I hate the idea of things beeping at me that I'm a bad driver or that I speed. I typically don't speed, I just really hate the idea of anything monitoring what I am doing and nagging me.

I want fewer distractions when I'm driving, and having something beep at me for whatever reason is distracting. Collision avoidance does it quite frequently when I'm coming up to a bend in the road and cars are parked on the curb. The car doesn't realize that the road curves and that I will too. I've even had it hit the brakes for me when coming up to a trailer pulled off at a turn out so we could pass on the turn.

My girlfriends car uses a camera to put the speed limit on the screen in the gauge cluster and it frequently misreads the signs and I don't want to hear a car nag me when it's wrong. My aunt's car beeps frequently when going through an intersection to say it can't detect lane lines and it can no longer warn me if I drift out of lanes. The driver assist will push me towards the center of the lane even when I intentionally am hugging the shoulder to give construction or emergency workers more space.

When something beeps at me. I have to look down at the silly gauge cluster to try and see why it's beeping, taking my eyes off the road and more importantly my mind away from the task of driving to decipher what the car misinterpreted.

There are too many things the car is trying to notify us of that the car itself is becoming a distraction.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

In residential I tend to go around 15-20 instead of the posted 25. I'm almost never in a hurry. I drive a 20 year old 2 seater convertible sports car, not a truck.

I was talking about highways. Posted speeds are 65 for the vast majority of them. Many are 5 lanes in each direction. If you go 65, you will be passed by 99% of traffic, including semi trucks. Most traffic is going 75-80mph and it's not uncommon to have the entire freeway cruising around there. At 65, you may be following the law, but you become an obstacle. I've been on highways on Sundays where traffic is flowing almost at 90mph. And I don't mean a few cars weaving, I mean almost everyone.

California freeways can be nuts.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago (9 children)

I would legit rip out anything that did this. I wouldn't care how integrated it was into the car.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago (2 children)

It's weird to see 10mph considered reckless driving.

In California, 10mph over is the slow lane.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

So just casually passing on the conspiracy that Biden isn't actually acting as president? That someone is playing him like a puppet?

One side is calling for literal fascist ideologies and polices. Imprisoning, deporting, and killing whomever they declare are undesirable.

The other is calling for abortion rights, trans rights, gay rights. Actively working to make life better for all Americans, and not just themselves.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

Looks like it! Thanks!

I wasnt thinking of other team players that are now analysts.


This was thrown up to us today by Clark at the Cubs game as part of the fan appreciation weekend.

Does anyone recognize the autograph?

[–] [email protected] 23 points 4 days ago

Those that talk the most are usually the ones you should listen to the least.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago (3 children)

The final purpose is to be happy with someone. With or without kids.

There is no true underlying purpose to a relationship. There are adventures to share together if you are both into them. But there doesn't need to be some ulterior goal. Dating is just enjoying and wanting to spend time together.

Did you have another Lemmy account on If you did and are the same person I'm thinking of. You spend A LOT of time thinking and talking about relationships. And that account always came across like they wanted a relationship but didn't want to put in any work to get one or work on themselves. They always spoke as if there was no hope and already prejudged women as if they never would like them.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

This was a big deal when I started dating my current girlfriend. On quite a few occasions when planning dates or things for us to do with her daughter, I would bring up her daughter and think of her first before I thought of myself or my girlfriend. Or if my girlfriend would mention something about her daughter, I would always encourage her to take care of her daughter first and we could work out dates around her.

I knew that her daughter was her first priority, and I never asked her to put me before her daughter. Not once. It's almost 3 years later, they moved in with me. And I'm loving the life together.


I'm planning on getting a dog soon and would love some tips and tricks.

My tip is that when you take your dog for a walk, before crossing any street make them sit and wait for you to tell them to cross.

It helped when my dog got out a few times he would only walk around the block and never cross streets or run into traffic.


Just refound You Blew It! Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree and wanted more songs to add to my seasonal playlist this year.


Does anyone else hear it?

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