[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

As a retired cold and mean hearted Toolmaker and ME, there is a need for Art Majors in this world. Just not as many of them as we produce perhaps. Kind of like Astrophysicists, we do need them, but truthfully there are only a handful of jobs available for those degrees. So the majority often need to figure out what they can do besides their degree training.

If you want to be an Art Major, you will most likely need to figure on finding a job that can tangentially make use of your artistic training. Because you probably won't become a famous painter or professor teaching art in a collage or work in an art museum.

But you can become an art teacher in a high school or perhaps work in web design or some kind of advertising. Not what the average art major might wish to be, but rather careers that can use those skills.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I have a bidet that has the heated seat, heated water spray, and the heated air dryer for your ass crack. Set your temperatures for the ultimate comfort while web browsing!

But yeah, the air dryer gets me dry just fine.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

No, you don't need an account if you get Ondsel from their git https://github.com/Ondsel-Development/FreeCAD/releases

But, there is a free account that even gives you a bit of cloud storage if you want it. Or you don't even need to sign into it if you don't want. They do want to sell cloud storage for commercial use - Daddy's got to make a living you know. But, the software is still open source and free to keep and use as you see fit.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

You only need an account if you want access their cloud storage and sharing management. You can get a tiny free account if you want. I signed up for the freebie since I sometimes work between 2 computers on the same project. But if you only use one computer, it's not going to get you anything extra.

You can add Ondsel Lens to your regular install simply by installing it through the add-on manager if you want.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

Thank god I'm safe! And I will be dead and gone before it happens here. It's going to be decades before 5G is implemented where I live. Hell, 4G is spotty and unreliable even yet today. Even 3G was terrible.

[-] [email protected] 63 points 1 week ago

Perhaps if there was a lot less asphalt and concrete and more shade trees and grass, it might be a bit cooler and more comfortable?

[-] [email protected] 65 points 3 weeks ago

This is why POTUS elections are less important than congressional elections. They make the laws and they hold the checkbook. But fewer and fewer seem to understand that. And assume that the POTUS can just dictate those types of policy at their whim.

You want domestic change? You want free healthcare? Cheap education? Better infrastructure? A better judicial system?

Then vote for the people running for the institutions that can actually can make those things happen, and that ain't supposed to be the POTUS. But evidently many, (majority?), of people can be all that arsed to bother much about the 'Downstream' elections.

[-] [email protected] 46 points 4 weeks ago

Pfffttt, Microsoft has been there, done this, and got a whole closet full of tee shirts for stuff like this many times over the years. In the end the users don't care and can't stop it. And they are, by in large, too lazy to change to something else to completely avoid it.

It hasn't ever affected the bottom line enough to matter to them. They will just pull this ~~bug~~ feature and wait for a better day. Or perhaps they will figure out a way to introduce it piecemeal to disguise it better.

[-] [email protected] 36 points 1 month ago

Minnesota is currently working on a similar law to stop surcharges and just have a final price.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

These "critical fire" danger warnings from NOAA are really starting to wear on me. Living in drought conditions for 2 years is killing everything. I watch the radar and there is rain falling all around me, but very few drops for this area. And living in the middle of a forest makes for uneasy sleep.

It might be our turn to burn like Canada.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 5 months ago

I'm well old enough to be your daddy. Here are some things you should pay attention to.

Have a reason to get up every day you can breathe. Because if you have no reason to, you will wither and die. I've seen it happen and it ain't pretty.

Time will seem to accelerate. You will slowly start to notice that the "past" gets farther behind you quicker and the "now" flies by to become that "past" and the "future" gets here far too soon.

Like it or not, you are getting closer every day to dying rather than living no matter what you do. Make your peace with that concept because no one gets out alive.

Buy a nice suit. You will probably be going to the weddings of the children of your friends or your own children. And far more sadly, the funerals of family and friends. And at some point in time, the funerals will out number the weddings.

Start doing things for society. Get involved in your community. Help build a park or two or three, teach kids something - I spent 4 years tutoring/teaching math to kids in a small rural school during COVID. It did cost me some health, (Thanks! long COVID), but it was worth everything it cost and I would do it all over again. Those kids did more for me than I could do for them.

Physical exercise is great but don't forget to exercise the mind also. Because if you don't, you will lose cognition and the ability to think perhaps faster than your physical health - and this is my greatest fear. Cultivate hobbies that stimulate mental challenges. And a diet of video games ain't it. Go fishing, bird watching, gardening, do art. Something, anything, that challenges the mind to solve problems and be creative. I design and build metal model steam engines and 3D printed items to try and keep my mind sharp. I try to learn new skills every chance I get.

As much as it might be fun to travel the world and see new places and people, there is a whole world to explore right outside your door. Go explore it and really learn the details of it. It will surprise you with it's beauty and complexity. You don't need to be rich to explore the world.

Teach something to someone. You know things - pass it on to others. Do not let the knowledge die with you.

Learn to laugh at yourself - do not fear looking silly. It can help make people feel more comfortable with you and with themselves.

And finally, live a good life. Be kind and be there for the world when it needs you. Leave a legacy for others to remember you by - even if it was only a kind word at the right time. The memory of you is all the world will have - leave your mark on it.

Good Luck! We all need it!

[-] [email protected] 37 points 5 months ago

Ahhh, the old "let's make something a right that only the rich can afford." For all the "eat the rich" rhetoric here, there seems to be a lot of desire to increase the class divide even more by limiting rights to how much money you have.

It's already very difficult to nearly impossible to obtain a purchase and carry permit in the state since Maryland is "May issue" state and NOT a "Shall issue" state. This means you can be denied a permit at the whim of local law enforcement unless you have an "in" with whoever is in charge. This is purely performative theater to buy votes.

And the two groups that really should have liability insurance - drug gangs and law enforcement - will be completely unaffected by this requirement.

[-] [email protected] 39 points 6 months ago

Disclaimer: I'm old and retired. My wife is 7 years younger than me and we've been married 37 years.

You will always stop and look at and admire a pretty young lady. You might even think to yourself, "If I was 40 years younger!" And then immediately think to yourself "But any way".

As you get older you will become more attracted to older women. Not because you think they are prettier than younger women, that's biology for you. But, you will find the personality and cultural reference points of age far more compelling than plain beauty in your relationships. Turns out, shared life experiences and culture means more in the long run than the smell of bubble gum and all the drama of youth.

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