[-] [email protected] 116 points 2 months ago

He wants the resources being spent on graphics to be redirected to engineers and game designers. There is a reasonable top end budget to put towards any given game, so it is at least mostly 0 sum.

[-] [email protected] 79 points 2 months ago

They do hate them, but generally conservatives believe in personal failings so do direct action against individuals, liberals believe in systemic failings so direct their effort towards changing the system, not the individuals.

[-] [email protected] 168 points 2 months ago

Guy looks completely normal.

[-] [email protected] 84 points 4 months ago

Is this an unpopular opinion?

[-] [email protected] 85 points 4 months ago

Theres only one way to end a lifetime appointment, so they should worry if it gets too low.

[-] [email protected] 92 points 5 months ago

He is undeniably awful on some issues, however if you look at everything that's happened under him, I think you'll be surprised how much, lets say his people, have started to pull the US out of a 40 year old Reagan shaped hole.

[-] [email protected] 104 points 5 months ago

Its advertising to the landlords. They don't care what you think.

[-] [email protected] 138 points 5 months ago

While its likely true that the wing panel was both non-critical and secure, I'd be much more worried that if they missed something like that, that they could have missed any number of other things as well. Isn't there supposed to be some sort of check-list run?

[-] [email protected] 82 points 6 months ago

They are in the position of power to act on their desires. It's probably the same % everywhere.

[-] [email protected] 78 points 6 months ago

Google continues to push blatant scams with their ads and wonders why people run adblockers.

[-] [email protected] 197 points 10 months ago

Almost like torture is a really good tool for getting people to talk, and a very bad tool for getting them to tell the truth.

[-] [email protected] 91 points 11 months ago

I can't answer what Bombadil is in the lore of LOTR, he seems to be unique in terms of entities we are shown. But I can tell you what he is at a meta level. You see, LOTR was first told as stories to Tolkiens kids, which you probably already knew, which you may not have known, is that Bombadil was a recurring character in previous stories he had told his children. So at a meta level, Bombadil is just a fun callback to a previous character for his kids to have enjoyed.

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