To be fair, if the fork sole purpose is to just re-label the software and make people that have irks because of the name start to use the software, who are we to judge?
joined 9 months ago
Maybe the reading order is U shaped.
Sad that the anime hasn't continued. Probably will take a long time ~~or dropped altogether.~~
I see. I've skimmed the docs and indeed see that it supports a lot of IDP with what looks to me some env var. And thanks for answering another question of what their auth library is since that is a lot to support.
Can you give the gist of it?
Dude... Java is not JavaScript
...can you post your monitor setup?
There aren't enough swear-words in the English language, so now I'll have to call you perkeleen vittupää just to express my disgust and frustration with this crap.
IIRC, even KDE and their whole suite of apps are dwarfed by the LOC count of browser (forgot if it is firefox or chromium)
One and only Gintama