
joined 11 months ago
[–] best_username_ever 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

How can such a wrong answer get so many points? Clones and forge forks are unrelated. First, GitHub or GitLab cannot and could not link clones together without analyzing the remotes of each clone.

FFS it's a tech community...

[–] best_username_ever 7 points 7 months ago (5 children)

Forks do not exist in git. It's a GitHub feature, and a massive blunder at the same time.

[–] best_username_ever 1 points 7 months ago


[–] best_username_ever 1 points 7 months ago

Yeah. They only read textbooks to quiet kids, they do not have unpaid overtime at home for grading tests, and earn a million dollars every month. Lazy bastards.

[–] best_username_ever 3 points 7 months ago

Could be that. It uses multicast on specific ports but I don’t remember the details.

[–] best_username_ever 42 points 7 months ago (16 children)

200 MB modern application built on top of Chrome can’t handle a few files.

Emacs from the 70/80s can handle a thousand files. Something is wrong with computers.

[–] best_username_ever 14 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Actually it’s

$60,000 in cloud credits

So 0%.

[–] best_username_ever 3 points 7 months ago

It’s fake nostalgia of an era they never experienced. Vinyls always sounded like shit but we had no comparison except the better sound of movie theaters, but you couldn’t have that at home.

Then the audio CD appeared and it was like the second coming of Jesus. The sound was really a hundred times better than vinyls, even with the same set of amps and speakers.

One day they’ll tell us that VHS on a small black and white TV is better than a 4K movie on a giant screen.

[–] best_username_ever 32 points 7 months ago (8 children)

Is there a downside? I’m confused.

[–] best_username_ever 4 points 7 months ago

I don’t understand the downvotes. You’re right on all points. If the task is too big, it can take years from testing another solution to using it for real.

[–] best_username_ever 36 points 7 months ago

I’m bored too, but not bored enough to post shitty shit like this.


cross-posted from:

I want to document my debugging sessions in a text file but I don't know if anyone did this before.

I came up with this kind of "language" that is a mix between Markdown and C++, but I still wonder if something equivalent exists already.

// When you click on the button
# [click button]
- A::f()
// - ... other method calls, don't document if you don't need to

# A::f()
// "..." for "parameters" where you don't need the details
- Stuff::g(...)
- Stuff::h(...)

// <Class> is a fake template thing to show the possible types of an object
# <SubStuffA | SubStuffB> Stuff::g(...)
- Stuff::g() {} // empty but I use v/=> for virtual call
  v/=> SubStuffA::g()
  v/=> SubStuffB::g()

# SubStuffA::g()

# SubStuffB::g()

# Stuff::h(...)

I document methods in the order of appearance in the code.

If you have any good idea about a reliable way to document a list of function calls, I'm interested!


I want to document my debugging sessions in a text file but I don't know if anyone did this before.

I came up with this kind of "language" that is a mix between Markdown and C++, but I still wonder if something equivalent exists already.

// When you click on the button
# [click button]
- A::f()
// - ... other method calls, don't document if you don't need to

# A::f()
// "..." for "parameters" where you don't need the details
- Stuff::g(...)
- Stuff::h(...)

// <Class> is a fake template thing to show the possible types of an object
# <SubStuffA | SubStuffB> Stuff::g(...)
- Stuff::g() {} // empty but I use v/=> for virtual call
  v/=> SubStuffA::g()
  v/=> SubStuffB::g()

# SubStuffA::g()

# SubStuffB::g()

# Stuff::h(...)

I document methods in the order of appearance in the code.

If you have any good idea about a reliable way to document a list of function calls, I'm interested!

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