I just do the main genres and then combinations of those, if I feel that specific band has clear influences from a genre. Sometimes, I do subgenres, when I have many bands from some of the big genres and feel like I need more discrimination
joined 1 year ago
Vo dem isch gar nid d'Red. Dä het dänk vorhär gschlafe, rasch verwachet zum de Umfall boue, denn witergschlafe, well r wahrschinlech nobi gnue gschlafe gha het. Mini Vermuetig, itz.
muesch es höcher ufglöst neu ufelade, das isch z'chly, dass mes cha läse.
Sometimes, it's not a feeling, but whatever I find on discogs or musicbrainz. It has to make sense, in the end, I guess.