
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

They put their name on it. I hope it was monetary worth it because the public should not cut them any slack.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I think some people must be young and have not witnessed the late 90s, early 00s, before Firefox.

You had way more new users whose only notion of the internet was the blue e icon. Macs were less popular and of course there were no smartphones.

Microsoft pulled all the bullshit. "Extending" the standards so standards compliant browsers would not work, serving broken pages on non IE browsers and convincing an enormous amount of moron webmasters to tell you to go "upgrade" to IE while your browser could perfectly render their site.

Yet Firefox did break that stranglehold.

But you need to connect with people. Don't try to do it via relatively abstract concepts such as privacy or freedom. Tell them that they won't be able to block any ads in a year or so if they keep using Chrome. That they won't be able to download whatever they want.. etc etc.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Yes it will affect you even if you use Firefox. If a lot of us still used Firefox, Google would not be able to do it as websites would not give up on a big chunk of their audience.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Votes are federated. They are tied to account names. Only your instance can tie them to your IP.

DMs are insecure in that admin instances can read them. Most instances tell you not to use them.

Scraping is more resource intensive than using an API to have data submitted to you. Since you are now offering a service you can set terms on what you can legally do with that data while scraping can lead to legal issues. PR issues as well.

In general using a corporate social media will allow companies to track you (or buy the tracking data from the social media company) far more thoroughly than scraping lemmy.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Ads. To be precise this on it's own provides a way for servers to be certain of the environment the pages run (browser, plugins, os). Protecting ads or other functions come from servers refusing unattested configurations or configurations they don't like (i.e. running adblock, running firefox, running linux).

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Given new commercial entrants into the Fediverse such as WordPress, Tumblr and Threads, we suggest collaboration among these parties to help bring the trust and safety benefits currently enjoyed by centralized platforms to the wider Fediverse ecosystem

In such a system, the server on which a post originates would submit imagery to PhotoDNA for analysis

This same technique could also be applied to other hosted media analysis mechanisms (e.g. Google’s SafeSearch or Microsoft’s Analyze Image API40

While large social media providers utilize signals such as browser User-Agent, TLS fingerprint,8 IP and many other mechanisms to determine whether a previously suspended bad actor is attempting to re-create an account, Mastodon admins have little to work with apart from a user’s IP and e-mail address, both of which are easily fungible.

So basically people might have joined the fediverse in large due to privacy reasons but if fediverse is to be "ethical" it should share your images with big tech as well as track you better.

He also laments Tor and E2E messaging.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Unfortunately I don't think he is the guy to actually put himself in harm's way l.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Are you allowed to unilaterally stop providing the service you 've been paid too?

GDPR is not the only law In EU nor does it automatically supercede any and all other obligations.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (3 children)

If you mean launching a rocket to Mars, yes eventually they will be able to do that. That is not what Musk's bullshit. It's a permanent base with people on Mars.

The rocket travel plan is not niche, it's impossible. Sound (environmental) concerns, refueling time cutting into the flight time benefit on turnover, Gs exerted on launch etc. Moreover Musk billed it as a regular service not a "dive to Titanic" kind of activity for billionaires.

It's also impossible to make a rocket as reliable as a plane. If you seriously consider that possible I cannot argue with you on any other point. Just the planes ability to land and maneuver unpowered makes it much more safer and reliable. The nature of it's fuel itself makes it much safer and reliable.

Starship/SuperHeavy is not ready. Engine production rate is a huge problem and they need a lot of them per vehicle. They also currently are unreliable with quite a few failures on the last launch. Some might be a result of the first failing but there were at least two clusters of failure, suggesting at least two independent failures.

So when they get SS/SH working the best thing to do would be to take government contracts, or fly Starlink satellites up if it's profitable. But yeah sending a rocket to Mars for free is exactly the kind of stunt I would expect Musk to do. Like demanding the launch to be on 4/20.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Doubtful. There is no basis for Ubisoft to claim the account is no longer needed just because you haven't played a game in some arbitrary period of time. Especially if they allow explicit account deletion by the user.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Not only that is not always the case, but with the locked down nature of consoles it would be way more difficult for a console owner to override any online DRM even if he had the whole software on disk.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

While China holds a legally indefensible position that the straight is it's territorial waters, so is Taiwan's ADIZ or any claim that Chinese (or Taiwanese if they wished) planes cannot cross the midway point.

The straight is 97 nmi wide, territorial waters cannot extend beyond 12, so there's plenty of international waters (and thus airspace) for anybody to fly on.

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