That’s a good point, optimizing the wrong things can be a real distraction!
Those in glass houses shouldn’t be throwing bricks labeled AfD lol
Even then, the energy star requirements for power and water are more lax for top loaders than front loaders because they literally couldn’t compete otherwise. It’s kinda a dumb, misleading system.
I can’t wait until he learns a new word.
They use way more water which is in scarce supply here because it all gets allocated to megacorps to grow tropical plants in the desert for profit :( (California)
Dilute! Dilute! Ok!
Because he’s racist. There’s no more logic to it than that.
This covers the what but not the why.
Also a scam, they’re terrible at valuations in both directions. They’ve gotten lazy with fame.
In case you are unaware, when a racist says “globalist” they are not talking about worldwide events, the word “globalist” is a direct replacement for the word “Jew [derogatory]”.
The same reporters that are happy to label this guy as Muslim absolutely do not call crusaders what they are.