[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

An old coworker of mine at an old job was involved in Scouts as a den leader or whatever it's called, and he was telling us about the Rule of 2. The organization apparently took it really fucking seriously when there was a child sexual abuse case with a den leader. Rule of 2, mandatory training on recognizing and reporting abuse. They basically went full Title 9.

On a lighter note, this was also around the time Boy Scouts rebranded into Scouts and started letting girls join. My coworker said the one girl in his group excelled over everyone else and was quite skilled at everything. The organization made a great decision in making the group coed.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

A conviction requires a jury of your peers to deem you guilty -- if your peers don't think you've broken the law by killing a child rapist, then you aren't guilty.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

Feels like Labour has really fallen behind other left-wing parties -- to the point that they're even right of Democrats on some issues.

[-] [email protected] 102 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I dislike doubting polls, but there's just some odd stuff in here.

  • 10% go for RFK Jr, and it's equal siphoning from both parties? 10%?!
  • 20% more people blame Biden for Roe being overturned than Trump?
  • They're TIED with Gen Z voters? TIED?!
  • After the absolute thrashing that Republicans have received on abortion, only like 50% of women would break for Biden?

This is a poll of just the 5 key states, but this part of their methodology gives me significant pause as well: "To further ensure that the results reflect the entire voting population, not just those willing to take a poll, we give more weight to respondents from demographic groups underrepresented among survey respondents, like people without a college degree. "

Emphasis mine. There could be a huge skew. And these results don't make sense. The other NYT poll from several months ago was also incredibly unusual and had very weird findings -- to the point that the Guardian wrote something was very fucky with the results.

This isn't to say this can't be what's going on, but we need corroboration from other polling groups. And it isn't summer yet, which makes polls rather inaccurate too.

TLDR: Something's fucky, we need more information and to monitor this.

EDIT: I just want to use my bully pulpit here to say that my criticisms by no means disprove the poll results. There's oddities, but that doesn't make the results an impossibility. Don't only give credence to criticism of polls. If someone has reasons they believe the poll is accurate, you should give equal attention to it. At the end of the day, we don't know what the actual truth is, and we won't until the election is over. Just remember that we don't want to just win, we want to dominate. We want massive margins. And that means we need to see wins even in less than accurate polls.

[-] [email protected] 104 points 3 months ago

This has big "I am very smart" energy. Intelligence is knowing every 24 hours is a new day. Wisdom is knowing the phrase "new day" is used rhetorically and figuratively.

[-] [email protected] 100 points 4 months ago

I don't know whether or not he killed himself, and I strongly suspect he didn't, but I sure as hell know this warrants an intense and thorough investigation. All company and private emails of executives, with forensics to determine if anything was deleted. Long interrogations to see if alibis match up.

There isn't enough evidence to throw the book at Boeing, but there is enough to search every single little thing related to them.

[-] [email protected] 178 points 6 months ago

It's worth stepping back a moment to appreciate that it's actually worked. Whether it will continue is another story, but Lemmy became a successful and viable alternative to Reddit. That's worthy of praise and celebration, and it couldn't be done without the admins and mods of .world who've made this place into what it is.

[-] [email protected] 95 points 7 months ago

These evangelicals are doing a wonderful job of showing the Satanic Temple to be reasonable adults. Every time a loony loses their mind over this, more people compare the two and realize who the baddies actually are.

[-] [email protected] 174 points 7 months ago

This is why it's really handy to be well versed in the Bible -- it's very easy to throw their shit right back in their face. Know their bible better than they do.

[-] [email protected] 98 points 8 months ago

Suddenly, climate change isn't so much of an urgent issue? Nor abortion? Nor gay rights?

I'm not happy with what's going on nor what Biden's doing, but there's too many people I care about who will get hurt if Trump wins. And I'm not so selfish as to keep my ideals pure.

Life sucks. If you don't vote for Biden, more Palestinians will die than would otherwise. Is that fucked up? Yeah. Vote for him anyway. The world is cruel, and gives us cruel choices. All we can do is make the best of things.

[-] [email protected] 166 points 8 months ago

Frankly I don't know which words are powerful enough to describe this and condemn it. I don't think the right words exist to explain how bad it is.

This logic is just... If it's justified to blow up a refugee camp to kill a senior leader of Hamas, then by that same logic, Hamas would be justified in blowing up Israel's capitol buildings to kill Netanyahu.

Fucking hell, not only that, but this logic defends the Hamas attack on Israel too. There could have been IDF members there or government officials.

I don't see how anybody condemning Hamas' terrorist attack could not condemn this. It's the same picture.

[-] [email protected] 128 points 9 months ago

If genuine, this man shows a deep understanding of Christianity that eclipses all American evangelicals combined. He'd be a seriously good person, worth being respected by everyone regardless of religion.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Democrats won 56-44 in a NH district which Trump barely won in 2020. Encouraging news!

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Turns out constantly capitulating to the far right doesn't earn you any loyalty from them -- who'd have guessed? /s

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm rather curious to see how the EU's privacy laws are going to handle this.

(Original article is from Fortune, but Yahoo Finance doesn't have a paywall)

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I hate NIMBY environmentalist hypocrites

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Highlights -- an Eververse armor next season is going to be moved to ritual armor, a dedicated team is going to bring free PvP map packs.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In short, we aren't on track to an apocalyptic extinction, and the new head is concerned that rhetoric that we are is making people apathetic and paralyzes them from making beneficial actions.

He makes it clear too that this doesn't mean things are perfectly fine. The world is becoming and will be more dangerous with respect to climate. We're going to still have serious problems to deal with. The problems just aren't insurmountable and extinction level.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ohio is having a vote in November to decide on if abortion will be legal or not. Similar ballot measures and referendums have shown huge support for abortion in even conservative states.

There is a measure yet to be voted on in August for if the November vote has to reach 60% and meet other conditions instead of being simple majority.

Polling suggests a landslide victory for legalizing abortion and intense disapproval of changing the requirements.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Which of the following sounds more reasonable?

  • I shouldn't have to pay for the content that I use to tune my LLM model and algorithm.

  • We shouldn't have to pay for the content we use to train and teach an AI.

By calling it AI, the corporations are able to advocate for a position that's blatantly pro corporate and anti writer/artist, and trick people into supporting it under the guise of a technological development.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There's just something fucking hilarious about laying off employees, mocking them, and being sued for improperly firing them -- and then whining that your competitor hired them and that they have access to Twitter information still.

I believe this fits well under the "fuck around and find out" doctrine.

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