It won't last longer than another week!
Maybe A few dacades too late 🤷
You are telling me you can't live without going to a Taylor Swift concert. Capitalism is the origin of many pains, but this one isn't one of them.
Reddit power tripping mods migrated en masse to and recreated another Reddit environment there ! glad the fedivere isn't constrained to big servers. but this is still a big problem to resolve as those mods make it hard to engage in conversations with communities that are solely hosted on their instances.
Those billionaires are being propped by stupid people buying exorbitant ticket prices to see their idols dancing from a mile a way. I blame the populace for this. you can make them irrelevant without even spending a penny.
I am more shocked by people supporting Biden's action than the action itself
The country is already held hostage to the two party system and the ruling class that is benefiting from this no matter which way the election swings.
why should some have nukes and others not?
Were they given divine mandate ? are they superior human beings ? explain !!
He shouldn't have endorsed them without getting anything in returns for his people. a tangible and meaningful policy, he is known for advocating for universal healthcare, but I saw no push from him on the party for that. if that's a big ask, choose another impactful policy, find other progressives, form a group and advocate together. what did the progressives do against the party for a few elections now? nothing, they let themselves get run over by the Democratic party apparatus times and again. I don't want to be mean but at this point I don't see them to be different to other careerist politicians.
This is what politics is about. not only him, but this goes for the squad as well. mark my words : AOC will end up becoming just another Pelosi.
easy, just compare to 5 years ago instead of year-on-year, and that will give you a 24 % inflation.
Now tell me how can you make life affordable again ? increasing wages by 25 % all at once or deflation at 15 % or so? or an all out civil war or something ?
This lie that inflation can only go up without wages keeping up is what the governing class helped by their paid for economists use to keep the working docile until shit hits the fans.
The ruling class media have been in marching order to propagandize the virtue of their masters