While your own people can't afford treatment and die of treatable illnesses, weird choice of fight.
No one has time for family in Japan
When I watch yt videos about people leaving the workplace at 10pm, I wonder how suicide rate isn't way higher
I don't think Africa would want its appendicitis back. it has enough problems as it is without the Florida men.
It was obvious to everyone and their cat.
The internet is a massive US PSYOP for which it's going to fight with all its might to not lose control over.
it will be the year 9999 and we will still be reading about the "Man in Florida"
BTW Free Palestine
Where is Retailleau ?
Retailleau is in the Kitchen.
My understanding is that they want to offer monetized subeditors for content creators and influencers, a mush up between Patreon and onlyfans
my concern is what if after all the hassle the next bank pulls the same act ? and the next one !
they have moved most of the features to the app, the web portal is very bare bone.
very hard to change the bank when alot of payment accounts are linked to it.
they have moved most of the features to the app the web portal is very barebone.
I did, doesn't change a thing, I have no power to influence what they add into their app
they are the most exceptionalist ellististe agreable and push-over nation in the whole earth. don't forget they are still a proud monarchy.