
joined 4 months ago
[–] ajdndkk 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Will admins/moderators block this communism spam?

[–] ajdndkk 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

This answer is very good and is consistent with with your belief to consider your limitations.

However I see myself somehow different since I do not have depression or other mental issues I am aware of.

So I believe I could take some extra time to volunteer and I hope I will be able to bring myself to do just that. But since I have a young baby it will of course be time limited. So I will probably start small and just take a bag to my walks and pickup some trash.

Although making this conversation feels like bragging to myself that I am a good person (by trying my best).

But hey this conversation is still very interesting and I would like to keep it going.

Do you believe religions/churches are meant to be just communities of people who try to be the best versions of themselves? (Of course in different ways and for different reasons - like to achieve eternal life)

Also how easy do you find changing your character to match what you would like to be? Eg. Becoming not patronizing.

I found it somehow very easy to come from me being a geek and being somewhat awkward around kids to be the funny uncle. Or by not liking animals to now owning a cat.

[–] ajdndkk 1 points 3 months ago

This probably makes the most sense. Although thinking is easy. Doing stuff is hard.

[–] ajdndkk 2 points 3 months ago (5 children)

I believe I try to live my life in a very similar way. I believe there are a lot of us who try to do this. But I do not believe everyone does that. There are many people who are malicious and they know they are. Also I feel the same about pride and praise. In the past I was pointed out I hold myself in too high regard which can result in me beeing patronizing. And I try to work on that since then. Because I feel this is not right and I do want to strive for right.

Especially you wrote in comments something like: You try to do your best considering your environment, your own limitations and even your own weakneses.

So given that, I believe you are making one mistake. I would like to expand on your limitations part.

If you feel this behavior makes you forget your needs this in not "the best you could do". This is the same as you forgetting to sleep.

If you are forgetting about yourself like rest, having fun, eat properly, maintaining your mental health. This is not your best or "perfect behaviour" in long term. Because of ignoring your own needs you will not be able to do your best tomorrow or in 10 years or will live few years less to do good or you will not have friends or be part of a community to achieve even better things together. Something like that.

Also another thought popped in my mind I do not have an answer for and I would like to see your perspective on that. I try to avoid as little responsibility as I can. And I see myself as one who is trying to do his best. But. But when I look on myself objectively I live quite a normal life: I have a job and a family and some hobbies. I try to be there for my friends and family. So asking myself. How is this the best I can do? I am not volunteering or anything like that? So is this "feeling" I am trying my best just a cover for comfort, so I do not have to do some real sacrifices for community?

[–] ajdndkk 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Who knows. All of the content comes from some bot.


To give this community some content. I am not familiar with the concept of EU federalists. So a am wandering what do you believe would be gained if EU becomes federation?

[–] ajdndkk 3 points 3 months ago

I change my identities often. So if one identity is doxed it does not matter since I probably just used it for some not important debates. This makes them harder to link them sincr no identity has enough details to fully dox me and get linked with other identities.

This is true however only for being doxed by general public. Police however could easily dox me by my IP without me giving out anything.

For high risk stuff I use tor and single use identities.

[–] ajdndkk 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Your wishes for extinction of human race got me to believe you hate humans. And since humans are animals, I am just asking if humans are the only animals you hate.

[–] ajdndkk 2 points 3 months ago (4 children)

But humans are also animals of this world. Part of this giant floating rock. Do you also have other specific animals you hate? Do you hate all carnivores? What about animals that are destroying plants? Or beavers destroying whole ecosystems? Or animals that have wars? Or just humans because we change our environment the most?

[–] ajdndkk 0 points 3 months ago (6 children)

Is there any reason why would anyone want that?

Is it just "I care about animals/rocks soo much I would like humans go extinct."

Because without us to give animals more meaning, they are just some random life forms eating, raping and reproducing on a giant rock floating through universe until this rock crashes into sun. Why would you care if there are more of such life forms due to humans leaving earth.

Is there anything more to it? Am I just too dumb to understand it?

[–] ajdndkk 2 points 3 months ago
[–] ajdndkk 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I am Slovenian :)

We were dating for 6 years before we married. By your standards should I not marry the person I love? Or should I try more girls until I find a person that matches your standards? Have a nice life.

Also your comment stinks from stereotypes. About people who marry early, about Americans, probably even about people who marry and have kids.

[–] ajdndkk 1 points 3 months ago

This is why I am asking if I even played the game or I won it.

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