[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

I went into a smidge more detail over on my Mastodon last night, but my response is summed up as “WTAF? No! Freeware is an explicit license, as anyone from the BBS days will recall.”

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

American here - our FEC takes a very dim view of satirical and otherwise non-existent candidates who file the paperwork to run, which makes me curious... If the Count were to win, who would actually take the seat? Have we any idea who is behind the (highly effective) satire, and would they be able to seamlessly serve?

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Yes I can. Deleted my last Google account yesterday. Got what I needed, and honestly once I liberated a couple phone numbers (too damn memorable to ever just give up), there wasn’t much left.

Been slowly migrating for awhile piece by piece, the timing just happened to work out well for the last piece, and the metaphoric peering in cabinets to make sure nothing got overlooked in the process.

I still have to deal with Win 11 for work, and having AI forced down my throat, but Google-free feels GOOD!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

As long as the reports that the C-suite gets look pretty, that’s all that matters. Have seen that one from both sides.

“I need five developer hours to implement a UI for this manual process that is time sensitive and exposes us to significant risk if we screw it up. Oh, and I’m the only one who knows how to do it in prod, so we have a bus problem.”

“Nah, I want reports…. Wait, why did we write an HO4 policy in Corpus Christie, AFTER the hurricane warning was issued?”

“See above, and prioritise things that matter.”

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

If your needs are fairly low on the processing side, you can snag a cloud VPS on LowEndBox for five or six dollars a month. Quality is highly variable ofc, but I’m reasonably my happy with mine.

No AWS, etc (though I don’t know offhand where the actual box lives), SSH access defaults to a key, and the rest (firewall, reverse proxy if you like, and all the other best practices) are but an apt-get away and a quick searxng to find and dissect working configs.

Incidentally, searxng is a good place to start- dead easy to get rolling,and a big step towards degoogling your life. Stand it up, throw a pretty standard config at nginx, and do a certbot —nginx -d search.mydomain.com - that all there is to it.

YMMV with more complex apps,but there is plenty of help to be had.

Oh…. Decide early on if anonymity is a goal,or you’re ok tying real life identity to your server if someone cares to look. Register domains and make public facing choices accordingly.

Either choice is acceptable if it’s the right one for you, but it’s hard to change once you pick a path.

I’m a big fan of not hosting on prem simply because it’s one more set of cables to trip over, etc. But for a latte a month in hosting costs, it’s worth it to me.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I pay around 600 for myself and my wife, and that’s with my employer continuing to pick up a significant share of the cost of health insurance that I literally never see a deduction or bill for.

1,800 a year beats hell out of $7,200, a $5k deductible, 20% co ins, and $11k OOP max.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Visible is wholly owned by VZW, and runs a whole $30/mo inclusive of tax and such.

Best compromise I’ve found between network and not getting screwed or being surprised with outages.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

To wit, WorkDay is universally regarded as trash. But companies keep writing checks, so employees on both sides of the time clock have to keep tolerating it

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is very, very niche, but I couldn’t think of a more suitable place so I’ll give it a go.

In the US, brand name medications are outrageously priced. There are deals between payors (PBM/Medicare) and manufacturers that look like this:

Sticker price $20,000/mo minus negotiated insurance payment of $15,000 theoretically leaves pt on the hook for $5.000/mo, BUT…

Manufacturer graciously offers a “coupon” / discount card, which covers a max of $4,995.00, leaving pt with a net responsibility of $5.00/month.

These are convenient numbers to work with, but closely resemble the pricing and coverage structure of a long-term medication I take.

The coupon never results in zero pt responsibility, always leaving some negligible amount due. Invariably, it’s exactly enough money to be a huge pain in everyone’s ass and to make no meaningful difference to anyone involved in the transaction. $5.00 and $9.00 are amounts I see frequently.

Getting to the actual question, why bother?

Seriously, I wasted a half hour of my life waiting on hold to schedule a refill on a specialty med that can only be filled from a single central pharmacy and shipped, to be told that a) they somehow didn’t charge card on file for the $5.00 last month, and b) can’t schedule next shipment until I pay the all-important five bucks. Didn’t have a card close at hand, had to call back later so they could extract their couple dollars and then schedule the next round.

It literally costs them more in toll free charges, infrastructure fixed costs, and salaries to collect that money than they make from it.

I assume the answer is something along the lines of “personal responsibility” and someone in Congress having a stroke over the idea of someone getting medicine for “free,” but I’ve been unable to substantiate that.

Convinced there is a reason, probably buried in a 10,000 page CMS policy manual, because the mfg coupon literally never brings the price to zero. See, e.g., DTC drug commercials referencing “pay as little as $x a month!”

[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

I’m just now unravelling the last of the truly important bits of my life that are in their clutches, for that and other reasons.

Two phone numbers, a handful of documents I’ve shared over the years that probably don’t matter anyway, and a couple email addresses that I’ve been actively monitoring for months for anything important, and searches my password mgr for….

I should be free by 1 July at the outside, possibly a few days early if I don’t delay the actual deletion process. Feels fuckin great.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago


Not anti.

Lunatics, through and through. Not even well educated lunatics. Just garden-variety crazies.

And people wonder why I don’t Facebook.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Agree - I’m mid 40s with both deep and broad experience, US based so no picture or irrelevant biographical bits, and I still absolutely cringe at the idea of sending out 2-3 page resume/CV.

Could I reasonably fill that space with relevant and compelling information? Sure.

Do I think anyone would read it? Not a chance.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 2 weeks ago

I’ve used TimeTrex in the past. For my needs “, it was overly complex.

This is one of those areas where I’d think long and hard about self hosting, if you’re doing more than tracking your own hours.

Lots of compliance risk here, and transferring some of that risk to the payroll company is part of what one pays for with those services.

In my case, I just needed to substantiate invoices for a couple of clients I contracted for, and I was strictly paying myself and once in a blue moon my wife.

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