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[–] ZombiFrancis 5 points 6 hours ago

I love how controversial this one is.

[–] ZombiFrancis 23 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Thankfully as we're all breaking into our 40s, we have finally reached a point our society expected of us by 25. All it took was the slow deaths of our families.

But our kids are gonna be fucked! Thanks boomer for telling us that should make us feel better like it apparently did your generation.

[–] ZombiFrancis 5 points 7 hours ago

The bread, ham, and cheese are all separately regulated.

The nuance between open faced sandwich vs closed sandwich comes down to a final product, So think producing prepackaged food for sale as a federally regulated facility, more than making a sandwich in your kitchen.

And at any rate on any functional level it will be your local health jurisdiction that's really going to get involved if a regulator ever had to.

[–] ZombiFrancis 7 points 10 hours ago

Disco Elysium refutes this take.

[–] ZombiFrancis 10 points 10 hours ago

He cannot escape in his narrative that he got his. He did the damned work and was able to move on with his conscious. He quit, the company replaced him, nothing fundamentally changed. He feels better, kids still dead.

The article isn't a tale of redemption: it is about deflecting blame from executives to shareholders.

Which is just a subtle way of portraying a publicly traded company as less desireable than a fully privatized company that apparently would make different decisions about how to profit off dying people.

[–] ZombiFrancis 114 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Biden still being the actual president during this is entirely lost.

[–] ZombiFrancis 6 points 2 days ago

The latter unless they're mustering like half a million workers.

[–] ZombiFrancis 1 points 2 days ago

Even Ben Shapiro is getting raked over the coals for sympathizing.

Ooh, that is actually a fair point indeed. It definitely lends credibility to that notion since even Daily Wire enjoyers are in the camp.

...Although this guy has gone so far as to put his sob story into publication so I feel like the odds still put him closer to Benny than the general populace. I still like the odds I think.

[–] ZombiFrancis 23 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I decided to so a quick search on what the advertisements for this game looked like.

Devs fucked up. One must learn to harness and control the goon. You can't bait and switch the gooners and come out unscathed.

[–] ZombiFrancis 1 points 2 days ago

I am aware that, it's just they seem like they should most of all be aware enough not to call a group of Washington lawmakers Oregon lawmakers. They appear to have updated the headline now at least but not the article body.

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