Lagers are usually bottom of the barrel beers in my experience, but if you enjoy them its the right beer for you .. i like dark beers , taste of caramelised malt cant be beaten
joined 1 day ago
I want some good stouts that dont taste like drinking charcoal piss , our local breweries are just making IPAs cuz its known around
Long route passenger trains with stops in small villages and going trough scenic routes ... that or a long distance trucking ( in europe )
Dark has been a big hit in Serbia for some reason , i never finished it but i love s1 and 2
Also another german one is "How to sell drugs online (fast)" and its rly cool one
Smoking , oil industry and clinate change , sugar industry and fat ... its a bit of capitalism problem imo
Aldi nord or sud ?
Jesus i miss that time , counter intel was so easy back then
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Here you can find movies that are priced around 1 hr of min wage at fairly decent theaters , so lots of ppl go to a theater for a big release. And i support 1/3 of the title , we kinda need more good comedies that arent slapstic humour but some good comedic social commentairy told trough humour and not another "dystopian vibes" action movie