[-] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago

To be honest, the nerfs killed it and the buffs didn't go to the things we enjoyed playing with like the quasar. It went to a lot of other things, but we came back and it still felt awful

[-] [email protected] 34 points 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I am registered as an independent. I would like to vote third party eventually, but this is not the time and I think switching the candidate will backfire. We are playing with fire here. When it comes to voting between keeping a democracy or putting ourselves into a dictatorship, I'm voting for democracy. The people who are "protesting" by not voting or by voting third party this term are advocating for a Trump win. It's an attempt to divide the party in the same way that they did when Hillary was running. If Trump wins, democracy dies and genocide will be encouraged. Don't forget, he supported wiping out Gaza and encourages violence against other races, religions, political views, and LGBTQ+ people. He'll wipe out democracy and everything we've worked for over hundreds of years. All the protections put in place against poisoning the planet will be gone and climate change policies wiped out. This man plans to do so much damage.

I'll be honest. I'm scared of a loss here. I'm trans and with the amount of vitriol Trump and his followers spew, I feel like if I don't vote this way, I'm getting put in a dangerous situation, as are all LGBTQ+ people and many others. Please don't fuck around here. Don't make this about your pride. There is too much at risk here. Vote Biden and keep voting in mid-terms as well. We don't stand a chance otherwise.

Protesters, if you really want to make a change, run for congress. The only way to make real change is to put more decent critical thinking people in congress.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 1 week ago

They can't be nosey if they can't understand you.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Trump would be civil war AND WWIII. The dude already said he's for the genocide of Gaza and everyone knows he loves Russia and China. He would also end Democracy within the US.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago

All these comments about, "oh, but they just gave up or are socially incompetent". I'm in a happy relationship, but I also know that's not an easy find and can see the appeal of wanting to be single. All the freedom your granted when your single is a huge draw. I've missed out on those freedoms because I went into a long term relationship early in life and I feel like I would struggle if I were thrown into it suddenly. I'm happy for those who chose to be single and are happy for it. Good for them.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

What happened with Hillary is that idiots decided to vote third party for a planted candidate and fucked everything up. Dividing progressive votes means a loss for progressives in every case. You will be part of the problem when Trump gets reelected and dismantles democracy. That will be the end of voting and the reemergence of mass suffrage. Oh and I forgot, climate change will continue to get worse and people will start getting sick because Trump has already promised to end climate/pollution regulations. Equal rights will be stripped and slavery will be brought back even for white people because, chances are, minimum wage will be wiped out. This dude plans to do so much damage if/when he gets back in office.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Also, Steam/Valve helps make Linux gaming possible. Hi-rez doesn't do Linux support. Can't play their games even if I wanted to.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

Honestly, I just pull videos from Youtube to watch later. I don't actually watch anything on Youtube. I do wonder if there's an upcoming replacement for Youtube like there was for Twitter.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

It isn't. Having to look up everything about a game to know how to play doesn't make a fun game. I quit games with convoluted solutions. I'm not a Dark Souls player for that reason.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I already cancelled. Fuck adobe. I'll use Krita and Gimp.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

Scientists are doing research into why we feel this way and are actually discovering connections from birth, but I don't know that much about it yet so I'll leave those explanations to others who have read the study. For now, here's my experience with it.

For me, I've hated my body and how I've looked since I was in high school. I grew up being brainwashed by old movies and tv shows that separated sexes and that made it seem like I had to try to be feminine and to look pretty at all times and try to fit the gender norms. I hated everything about being female and I've tried everything to love myself as AFAB, but none of it worked. I'm 32 and the years since I entered high school have been rough and have put me through so much depression, suicidal tendencies, and panic attacks. I only decided last year that I'm finally taking that step that I hinted at in high school. I like things made for guys and I prefer to hang with guys and I've always leaned in that direction and have been called a tomboy many times. I've never fit in with women or felt any real connection to being female. I feel so much better already just with the hair and the changes in my thinking and I haven't gotten my surgeries yet. It was crazy the difference just switching to seeing myself as male has made on my mental well being. I actually smile when I see myself in the mirror now.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I haven't talked to a doctor about it, but I've already been told I have heart murmurs by my primary doctor. I'd prefer not to take a risk that could make heart disease and heart problems more likely for me. My mom already struggles with heart related issues and I'd prefer not taking that risk after seeing what she goes through. I'm settled on not taking it for those reasons. I appreciate the concern though.

Thank you so much for the advice! I'll make a note of it for my surgeries. The advice should be helpful for both ^^

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi, I'm Zeke. I'm 32 and last year I finally came to the conclusion that I am transmasc after years of being unhappy with who I was and how I looked. I've done so much research into it, but I'm still left with questions. First off, I should say that I have opted not to do HRT. HRT has too many health risks that I can't take due to heart related issues that run in my family. It's not worth that risk to me. So I'm trying a different route.

I've decided to go the route of surgery w/ changes to how I dress and how I get my hair cut. I've lost about 18.6lbs out of 25lbs to get my top surgery and so far it has been really good for me health wise and affirming wise. I'm so close to the first step and I can't wait for the positive effects especially since my bust size causes physical discomfort and shortness of breath so it's a two in one benefit. My questions for this one is "Does silicone gel work better than lotion for scars?" and "Are you comfortable being topless for swimming/beach visits?"

Now here's where I most uncomfortable because I've heard of people being negative about it, but I plan to get vocal surgery to deepen my voice. Here's where my questions come in. Has anyone else gotten this surgery? If so, what's it like and what were your experiences with recovery? How different has it made your voice?

I just wonder if others have chosen the surgical route. I don't have anyone or anywhere else to ask these questions so I figured I'd drop them here. Thank you for any answers!

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