listen to my podcast, guys. /s
lol Mac only. Wants you to sign up for spam to "request" your OS. No thanks.
If you expected literally anything else, you haven't been paying attention to democrats for the past 25 years.
Why do like, houses have doors man. You gotta eliminate all points of egress for security, maaaan. /s
There's no particular reason to disable root, and with a hardened system, it's not even a problem you need to worry about...
Staying mad at the DNC however is both understandable and rational, and has the potential to drive change if you allow yourself to channel it into something productive.
So much fucking this. The DNC has to learn from past mistakes or this shit is going to keep happening, and unless people are mad at them, they won't even think to change.
There's no real advantage to disable the root user, and I really don't recommend it. You can disable SSH root login, and as long as you ensure root has a secure password that's different than your own account your system is just as safe with the added advantage of having the root account incase something happens.
You can't really disable the root user. You can make it so they can't login remotely, which is highly suggested.
Have you used it? It's a vastly superior model for just about everything I've used it for...
He's wrong. They're cheaper because the manufacturer makes money off selling advertisements.