[-] [email protected] 1 points 10 hours ago

I never used Reddit directly, only Bacon Reader, when that stopped working, I gave up.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Vert skating in the Olympics

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Over all I agree, with the one major exception being playing a new Fromsoft game. It's only so often I get to explore a new souls game blind, and that is something I take the time to savor, so long as I can avoid spoilers.

Elden ring was the first one that my girlfriend and I got to play new / blind together, and it was one of the best times I've ever had gaming.

We are doing that again with the DLC now and having a great time.

[-] [email protected] 114 points 2 weeks ago

So the man has a stutter, and he's old, what ever. All I can do is cast my single vote. Last time, I voted against Trump, and honestly, even after the debate, I'll cast my vote this time for Biden.

I'd much rather cast my vote for Hakeem Jeffries, or Shift, or Bernie, or a dozen other people who aren't an option.

Thing is, I'm going to cast my vote in Cook county IL, so it literally won't matter. IL is going blue no matter what, and I feel like my participation is merely token.

I wish I could do more, I want to scream at clouds about what is happening to the country, and it doesn't matter.

Saw a stat that says Trump is 65% to win, and want to physically grab people and shake them, but what would it matter?

Had I walked into that debate blind, not knowing who those people are, what the "facts" and the facts are, I'd have thought, that Biden guy seems weak and befuddled, and boy that Trump is sure a confident leader. It made me feel sick.

As I told my mother today, I don't have kids, I live in the midwest, have a good job with a big stable company, truth is, even a second Trump term won't effect me that much. I can just sit back, enjoy my 30 so years left, and watch the world burn, but damn it, I have empathy for others, and there are many, many people whose lives and livelihood are going to be seriously impacted, and that bothers me.

[-] [email protected] 67 points 1 month ago

This is 100% my girlfriend, and I take great pleasure in never correcting her, I find it charming.

[-] [email protected] 67 points 1 month ago

George Carlin said it best, yes a receding hairline is annoying, but no where near as bad as an advancing hairline.

Who would want to have to shave their forehead?

[-] [email protected] 49 points 3 months ago

I've sunk hundreds of dollars into Rocksmith 2014 on ps4 to learn to play the bass.

The game, DLC songs, two guitars,as preamp, and cables.

I absolutely love it, and feel I am still getting better over time.

It so saddens me to know that one day Ubisoft will shit down the servers and a that investment will go to waste.

From everything I've read Rocksmith+, their subscription model new version, just sucks in comparison to 2014, and I hate that their answer to people wanting to play games they ready own is "Well, just play the new one".

Loved farcry 2, 3, and 5, hated farcry 6.

While I'll always be able to play 2 and 3 from disc on my PS3, 5 will one day crap out as well I'm sure.

Companies who take servers required for single player games offline should be required to either patch the game, or release the server source code.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 3 months ago

There are a lot of both dark themes and on screen deaths and violence, many of which are pretty graphic.

Fallout as a franchise is well known for some pretty horrific elements, often painted over with bright colors and upbeat music, but horrific all the same.

If Game of Thrones or The Boys were too much for you, then Fallout certianly is.

That said, it is an absolutely brilliant and faithful adaptation of the source material, and as a long time fan of the games, I loved every minute of it.

[-] [email protected] 53 points 7 months ago

This is all fine and good till it's a conflict between two specific mods. Damn you FO4 on PS4, why you gotta be like that?

[-] [email protected] 51 points 8 months ago

My cats are the perfect balance of affection, entertainment, and low maintenance.

Dogs are great, but I can leave my cats alone for a long weekend and when I get home, the house is just as I left it.

[-] [email protected] 188 points 10 months ago

Was born premature, and required open heart surgery when I was only a few days old.

When I was around 17 I had the chance to visit the hospital and tour the children's ICU I had been in. A children's ICU is not the happiest place in the world, and there were strange looks from both staff and parents as we walked around, feeling very awkward.

Then a short man with a thick accent burst through the door and hugged me. Turned out, the doctor who had performed my surgery was there and insisted on showing me around personally.

He walked me over to a woman who was about the saddest person I have ever seen, sitting next to an incubator. "This is what your son will look like in 18 years" he told her.

They took my picture, and hung it on the board for the kids who had "graduated", and I have to believe it was the first time in a long time that room had joy and happiness in it.

If someone had told me that that doctor wasn't welcome because he had a husband I think I would have wanted to become violent.

This law means that those families now have 1/3 fewer people to give a chance for thier kids, and the odds for me hadn't been that great to begin with.

[-] [email protected] 54 points 1 year ago

I got pretty bad heat stroke once while running in Texas. Was in the military, and due to a stupid miscommunication was told I was not allowed to drink water.

Lap or two later and I started having symptoms I'd never experienced before.

I can 100% believe that my look and behavior could have been mistaken for drug use.

I had stopped sweating, looked pale and disoriented, I'm sure I was not speaking clearly. My friend grabbed me and dragged me to a water fountain.

Once I had time to recover, get some A/C, and rehydrate, I was pretty much fine, though I remember having one hell of a headache like a hangover.

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