Exclaim a good long expletive to those in Sto-vo-kor, a warning, great fucker is on the way.
If I was asked to go underground and be taught by Master Tatsu (Toshishiro Obata), a real-life shinkendo samurai swordsman master, and Hollywood's gold standard trainer guy for anything to the martial arts. Hell ya. Put that on my tombstone. I'd probably make a terrible ninja -- but what a awesome way to die.
We're going to need a new flag...
Yup funds, and the web traffic handleability.
My small city (population 89,000) had a 911 outage about 2 years ago. Their solution was to sms text or voice dial everyone with the message "...please dial any county non-emergency number... see a list of numbers at bitly.url...". The hosted website was hugged-to-death.
After fines, it was inevitably cheaper to extend the nearest net backbone closer to our neck of the woods and upgrade all county things with fiber and data centers.
🎵Cycle killer... Qu'est-ce que c'est...🎶
A Wacky Wavy Inflatable Flailing Arm Tubeman.
A quick image search for "telephone shaped" furniture...
I would guess, homeowner Luke is ok moneywise. If that couples photo on the website is his home... a brief analysis... correlation of christmas tree and miniskirt suggest an indoor temp of +72'F; an animal skin rug is under the dinning table (expensive choice); and the couple are likely childless (displayed book titled "Creatures With Cocks").
That's on a assumption it is his home. Still, how and why Mr. Luke resorted to get the delivery guy to heave-ho-ing; it comically should've never come to that.
...(Homeowner) Luke says he refused to sign the delivery forms after it was suggested he cut off his bannisters...
Cubes?! Well I'll be darn, we got solid-state chicken now.
Yesterday I happened upon a blacked-out redacted bird on imgur. If a new trend is happening, life is going to be alright.