This is a great description of nicotine addiction (I'm a vaper, but have smoked). I'd highly recommend anyone who's considering it to not bother even if you're impulsive and having a stressful time. Imagine adding another biological need like sleeping to your plate when after a few months all it'll do for you is allow you to stop thinking about it for a bit. No more buzz. Just cravings and knowing where the exits are.
I'll tack on to what the other commenter said:
- Cost: I considered myself a heavy searcher (software engineer and gamer) and have been surprised to see I have rarely exceeded even half of my allotted searches ($5/mo, 300 searches). I'm now reprogramming my brain to stop turning to alternatives when something should be easy to find because "I might use up all my queries".
- Better: apart from all of the cool features, and there are many, there's also that it just "feels better". I don't know how to qualify that despite being a professional in that world. It's kinda the opposite feeling that I had using Google over the last 5+ years where I wondered if I was getting dumber or if the internet (and Google) was absolutely full of garbage.
It's on the very short list of subscriptions I pay for right now despite having a very limited budget at the moment.
You do that manually? Wow that's a lot of work. But I agree with the other commenter, turns out the reason I was hesitant to read the article on that other site was because the experience sucks. Thank you for making it so much easier.
Yeah, I take issue with your point. Mental illness doesn't make a person dangerous to society automatically. Mental illness makes a person much more likely to be a victim of abuse rather than the perpetrator.
I think this was in Wisconsin, not Illinois
Nope! I like you too!
Billy and his kid sister at the petting zoo
Noah's ark 2: electric boogaloo
Haha I had that exact reaction when he was in the news a while back