This is my favorite comic. It's called False Knees.
Latest: https://falseknees.com/comics/439.html
On the glory of fall: https://falseknees.com/comics/389.html
The source of all your problems: https://falseknees.com/comics/381.html
There's no reason to think that I'm no longer chasing my dream, that I'm being dragged by it is there? - Marc Maron
Sad little human. I have written my treatises into the warp and weft of reality itself. I have twisted my curiosity into the folds of your DNA and stamped my waxing madness into the ragged edges of the telomeres that mark your days as numbered. I have made of the stars a celestial QR code that burns across the skies of every planet, that burns across the eyes of every ape who stares into the night and asks "why?". I announced The Work with a bang of gas and light and awe and set time itself into motion so my scripture could expand eternally into the infinite, benighted expanse.
questions about identity are so damn interesting. Like what exactly is being referenced when we say "Sarah" or "Coco-Cola" or "Spain"?
I'm gonna be pissed if I find out my soul is just some 16 trillion digit hex number.
I think if humans had visible UUIDs they would still only account for a part of our understanding of a person's identity. If you could make utterly perfect copies of people like you can with objects and they only differed by their UUID...how different would those two people be really? How many people for example would be happy to replace a dead loved one with such a copy?
I would gladly watch it all burn down if I could just see one presidential debate where the candidates answered the fucking questions.
Make the implication especially spicy by emphasizing "I".
He doesn't mean he could end it at any time. He says "if I'm elected" cause he's talking about the time period after he won the election but before he actually took office.
The moment you win the election and become the person who will DEFINITELY be the president in a couple of months, your bargaining power with other nations (and anyone really) goes through the roof compared to what you had as a mere candidate.
I've stated that last as a fact though it's just what seems self-evidently true to me.
Why does tmobile not throttle your traffic when it's running through a VPN as well?
It's a lemmy account setting. If the Boost app does not expose the show "show scores" setting you can change it in a browser and Boost should reflect the change once you restart it. To make the change, just go to https://lemmy.world/ and go to your account settings after you log in.