OsmAnd's Android Auto implementation is trash. Magic Earth is the best I've used but I know it's not FOSS
Trump is abusing our court system into facilitating his bribes. Why do we let him??
Gus, with the mod that lets you romance him
Colin Robinson is the best character on WWDITS so that's a compliment really
They're going in the direction that Russia is today. Today in Russia they equate homosexuality with pedophilia, so if you're just visibly gay you will be assaulted or arrested for being a pedophile. This is what Republicans want for America, and if they're literally going to start killing pedophiles then that is the red carpet being rolled out for the death camps
Oh I have this one! Don't have an Abra or Kadabra though so it's just here to look pretty for me
I want off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride
This is my favorite card in the game so far. It's very Gustav Klimt
It's also not a good picture for this phrase, because both the pot and kettle are black. It makes sense if the kettle is reflective, and the cast iron pot speaking to the kettle only sees its reflection, so the kettle looks black to the pot, when it's really reflective.