There would be actual canon issues if that was the case as opposed to the mostly imagined ones that people bring up.
No Garak & Bashir on the cover? Cowards.
Joking (not joking) aside, I am looking forward to seeing what's included. Especially the Steve Orlando story.
Also, knowing when we're going to get Ryan North and Chris Fenoglio's choose your own adventure LDecks book is very exciting.
I don’t think one good thing offsets the entire rest of Tom’s personality. He says some racist shit to Chakotay in the pilot.
He’s definitely the kind of guy who is recording a podcast in the Delta Flyer with his wraparound sunglasses on.
I imagine at least part of it is that it’s seen as likely going to be the last opportunity to give the actors, especially Patrick Stewart, these awards.
From the opening log of "Whom Gods Destroy":
Captain's Log, stardate 5718.3. The Enterprise is orbiting Elba Two, a planet with a poisonous atmosphere where the Federation maintains an asylum for the few remaining incorrigible criminally insane of the galaxy. We are bringing a revolutionary new medicine to them, a medicine with which the Federation hopes to eliminate mental illness for all time. I am transporting down with Mister Spock, and we're delivering the medicine to Doctor Donald Cory, the governor of the colony.
So, at least this one TOS episode indicates that there is only one small facility which the Federation uses to house all the remaining criminally insane people in the galaxy. I think we can assume that by the galaxy, Kirk actually means the Federation. But as of that era, there apparently exists a medication that they believe will cure people of mental illness.
How much stock we want to put in one third season TOS episode I think can be debated -- and crucially we never get any confirmation as to the long term success of the medication -- but it is part of the canon.
There is also the Tantalus V penal colony from "Dagger of the Mind". Before they beam down, Kirk tells McCoy that it's more like a resort colony than a cage, though the doctor who ran the facility was using a machine to essentially brainwash both inmates and staff.
As for incarceration and rehabilitation in the 24th century, we know Tom Paris was at the New Zealand Penal Settlement when Janeway sprung him, with the approval of the Rehab Commission. When we see the settlement, the prisoners appear to be doing some sort of labour: one is carrying something, and Paris appears to be calibrating some sort of machinery. Granted, we don't know exactly what he was doing or why. Maybe he was working on a project he volunteered for or even conceived himself, and was given access to the resources to carry it out.
Ro Laren was on the Jaros II penal colony after her court martial. She was sprung from that by Admiral Kennelly, and he claims it was difficult to do so.
Kasidy Yates was incarcerated for six months for aiding the Maquis, though there's never any indication that the sentence isn't purely punitive.
In "Blaze of Glory" we saw that after his capture in "For the Uniform", Michael Eddington was being held aboard a station in a fairly small cell. He was still wearing civilian clothes. It's possible he hadn't yet been formally tried and convicted, though.
Star Trek and X-Men were a huge part of my childhood and teen years as well, so I 100% get where you're coming from.
Only tangentially related, I really do wish Marvel would take a back to basics approach with the X-Men so I could get into them again. I know a lot of people love the Krokoa era, and I'm happy they have it, but for me it is too dense and too far removed from what I grew up with for me to be able to penetrate. I know they've got an upcoming sea change happening, so maybe then.
The Sandman is such a hilarious example of something to get upset about being too woke, too. "This adaptation of a comic written that featured gender fluid characters in 1989 has been corrupted by the woke mob!"
Brain worms.
The consensus has definitely changed with time.
Granted, that has happened to literally every iteration of Trek, except TOS.
(and TAS I guess considering that it remains an underrated gem)
Calling people assholes and gatekeeping is clown behaviour. Take a week off.
Placing the bland Michael Burnham centrepoint isn’t something ST did before.
Care to expand on what specific continuity issues you’re concerned about?