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[–] Tremble -1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (7 children)

It’s not a child.

(I edited my comment above to answer this)

[–] Tremble -1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (9 children)

Now that would be a matter of the law. I don’t know if you can be accused of assaulting someone before they were a human. At the time of the crime, no child was injured.

I think the pregnant person was assaulted and the penalty was possibly way to low, but saying that a child was injured is incorrect. I don’t have the answer, but it seems like the mother should be compensated somehow for her assault, enough even to possibly help with the eventual child that was born. But a fetus is not a human is my main point.

I’m sure there is a moral solution to this, but claiming that fetus’ are humans is not that solution.

Edit: I would even argue we could penalize people for assaulting a fetus if that that is what we wanted to do. But calling a fetus a child is just plain incorrect.

Edit: I take that back. Assaulting a fetus is not a thing. Full stop. Assaulting a pregnant person is.

[–] Tremble 0 points 10 months ago (11 children)

That’s very interesting and since posting this I’ve been thinking about it, you could probably sue someone in civil court for this kind of thing.

But a fetus is not a human.

I’m not a lawyer or a judge, but a fetus is not a human.

[–] Tremble 0 points 10 months ago

I hope your bowl movement went well

[–] Tremble -4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Well, it’s just a fact, a fetus is not a human. I would say I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings, but I’m not.

It’s just a fact.

I’m not willing to dispute facts.

[–] Tremble -3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

We can be consistent without saying that fetus’ are humans. Yes, it affected the baby that was born, which is why punishment should be more severe for assaulting pregnant women.

But a fetus is not a human.

Full stop.

There is no line that can be blurred because a fetus is not a human.

If someone kicks a man in the balls and it deforms his sperm production and his future baby is impacted the perpetrator is not guilty of hurting the baby

[–] Tremble -2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (13 children)

It was a fetus when the crime happened. If I kick someone in the balls and it causes their sperm to be deformed and hurts a baby ten years later I am not guilty of hurting babies born later.

[–] Tremble 1 points 10 months ago

Right but BBs was a direct connection from one computer to another on one phone line not an “internet” I believe but the technical aspects of it are beyond my knowledge

[–] Tremble 39 points 10 months ago (6 children)

If you can not afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. But you will be charged later for the attorney…… which we know you can’t afford?

[–] Tremble 4 points 10 months ago

Lol i mainly buy new clothes for work and that’s it and everything else is second hand 😂

[–] Tremble 12 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

People already do wear uniforms in a way. Have you ever been to a school or university. Any gathering of young people. Heck, go to a senior center and many of the clothes the old folks are wearing are all the same. I’m thinking high waisted polyester pants my great grandad used to wear lol.

And that damn Lulu Lemon yoga pants craze everyone just had to have.

Humans feel a deep desire to fit in and conform to their cultural norms. I’ve also seen studies where people who wear new clothes are seen as more intelligent, more competent, more hard working, more beautiful, etc compared to people who wear old clothes.

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