Sure but this means the Biden administration is simultaneously saying that Biden is not too old to be president - but that if he does happen to die of old age then Kamala is ready to serve.
You’re statement is full of shit as well as incorrect.
A cell is alive at fertilization.
But a cell is not a human.
Neither is a fetus.
You also kill thousands of living human cells every time you take a poop, they are as much of a human being as a fertilized egg is.
Abortions for Lucifer!!!! 🤘
You can argue all you want but we will still give our abortion sacraments unto Baphomet. Praised be his name!
“Left wing”
Nailed it lol
Don’t know who either of the people you are talking about, this is a great video and the host is interesting as well. I’ve never seen the host before that I know of but the content of the video is spot on.
Amazing video. Thanks for posting. Added to my favorites.
Nah man this is how I meet all the hot chicks
Is this her answer to defending Biden’s age? I am patiently waiting to become president when he dies?
What do you get when you mix orphan crushing machine with a boring dystopia?
I see your point but he also didn’t say anything about increasing the minimum wage to help out the millions of Americans living in poverty paycheck to paycheck.
Nor did he discuss offshore tax havens and getting rid of tax loopholes.
Nor did he mention the ongoing war in the Congo.
I don’t care what your religion is. But a fertilized egg is not a human. Neither are the human cells that you poop out every three or four weeks. (Assuming you are as constipated as you sound)