[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

I'm reading this directly after a long day of social interactions with strangers. My social battery hit zero about two hours before the event was over and it still had two hours of talking to my kid(I love him to the bone, but I just can't handle the nonstop talking when I'm this drained) and I got a surprise phone call from my family on top of all that

Safe to say I'm not gonna willingly talk to anyone for the next 24 hours. Just wanted to say I know the feeling and I hope you get the chance to decompress soon

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

I've had to train literally hundreds of people over the various jobs I've had and it causes me to over explain in almost every conversation.

I got two tricks to figure out how much someone knows about a topic and encourage them to ask questions rather than lie just to avoid being a little uncomfortable.

First, I look for them to use vocabulary that I haven't already mentioned or if they seem to understand something just by using a couple words.

Second, I ask them to explain something early in the conversation to make it easier to ask if they don't understand something later. It's usually really simple, but it really does work to lower communication barriers.

I like to think it makes us feel more like equals trading expertise, rather than like I'm some authority talking down to them.

I hope this helps anyone

[-] [email protected] 8 points 5 months ago

Yeah, I experience this all the time. I've got dozens of interests and I often find myself in the same situation where I've put too much energy into research and now I don't have any left for actually doing it.

Here's what I do, I take a day away from whatever it is and the next day I put together the smallest thing I can do, rather than the best. It's even better if you can just use what you already have, supplies and research included.

In your case, cooking is perfect for this way of doing things. You can play with the recipe as you're making it. And unless you're dealing with raw meat at that moment, you can taste as you go to get everything just right. I recommend a simple vegetable soup. There's almost always some vegetables laying around in my fridge or cupboard and there's so many ways you can make it yours. Some veggies, tomatoes, water, and a couple spices is the simplest way.

After that, try swapping some parts out, maybe broth instead of water, or throw in some chopped chicken, or swap tomatoes for heavy cream and a pinch of flour, or play with the amount of ingredients, maybe more tomatoes and less veggies, or more veggies and less water.

I hope this helps and I'm sorry this is so long. Cooking is one of my favorite things and I think everyone should get to enjoy making their own food.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago

The scary movie that got me was No Man's Land. A serial killer kills himself to avoid being taken to prison and his ghost traps the whole town while he goes on a killing spree.

I watched it again years later and it wasn't nearly as scary as I remembered. I was like 12 and it was 2 in the morning, so it chilled my sleep deprived self to the bone.

Oddly enough, this movie wasn't what gavee the worst nightmare I ever had. That honor belongs to the kids show Chalk Zone. The episode with the pink, hair eating frogs scared me in my dreams so bad I still get goosebumps just remembering it.

[-] [email protected] 95 points 10 months ago

The US really is becoming a third world country by the day, isn't it. God I hate it here

[-] [email protected] 16 points 10 months ago

He also will lose an eye, so he'll have plenty to be grumpy about

[-] [email protected] 8 points 11 months ago

I'd say just to pay attention to the information anyone is giving you. Keep what's relevant and make good use of it. Learn from what isn't relevant anymore and have a discussion about why it's not relevant.

Our elders have so much experience. Even if some of it isn't directly helpful to you, there's still so much of the human experience that hasn't ever and will never change. Things like relationships, survival, hope, struggle, addiction, passion, and so much more.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 11 months ago

There's no debate. Jenny used forest and threw him away as soon as he didn't have what she wanted. When she ran out of places to go, she comes to forest just to torment him, get pregnant, then run away again. Then, she appears out of nowhere to hand off forest's kid that she had been hiding from him for years right before dying of the aids that she probably also gave to forest.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 11 months ago

At least it ruins their ability to advertise with r/place like they wanted to. At this point, making as much of reddit as useless as possible is the last way to make them listen

[-] [email protected] 31 points 1 year ago

I put tor on a flash drive. It bypassed the schools website blocks, so I could go onto any website I wanted. I mainly just went to YouTube to listen to music while I worked. If I really felt like goofing off, I'd go to friv.com and play a bunch of flash games.

Of course a couple friends had me to go to a porn website, but we quickly realized it was awkward and not as fun to be horny when you couldn't do anything about it.

[-] [email protected] 40 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Good. Technology always makes strides before the law can catch up. The issue with this is that multi million dollar companies use these gaps in the law to get away with legally gray and morally black actions all in the name of profits.

Edit: This video is the best way to educate yourself on why ai art and writing is bad when it steals from people like most ai programs currently do. I know it's long, but it's broken up into chapters if you can't watch the whole thing.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago

Okay, so I've been here for a few days and I'm getting increasingly confused. I used reddit exclusively on mobile and was hoping to do the same thing for lemmy. But it seems like every app has major features missing. I've already tried 4 different apps and every one is missing a feature I'd consider critical. Keeping two accounts separate, adjusting settings for two different accounts, commenting, replying, posting, subscribing, and searching for specific instances are all pretty important, but every app is missing one or more of these features.

Is there a quickstart guide anywhere to get more familiar with this? Does anyone know of an app that can do all of this? I've already tried jerboa, summit, connect, and liftoff

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