If I want Internet where I don't have to see people then I have to have a land line. It could be worse. I could have neighbors.
I'm a 45 year old leftist with a land line in a rural part of a southern state.
When I make art I make it for myself. I have no interest whatever if it anyone else feels one way about it. I talked with the robots. I didn't like it. Felt dirty, cheap.
Oh, I don't even really care about the copyright thing. I just hate for a fucking robot to lay around in it's pajamas drawing pictures while I trade 13 hours of every day to a factory for the privilege of sleeing under a roof with some food for my family and to get to lay around drawing pictures like an hour of my week. This is defined distopia.
As a person who creates both visual arts and music, though admittedly for my own enjoyment alone, I can't bring myself to ever recognize any of the AI generated stuff as Art. None of it is any good if you look at it close. It's wrong in every way. The machines were supposed to come for our jobs, but that was supposed to mean factory production and construction and shit.
Linux is veganism for computers.
My Windows 10 machine has never given me a single problem. I do 3D design for printing and I do music production. I even have to run a legacy driver for my old ass audio interface. Seamless. I have not, however, allowed it to upgrade itself to 11. But yes. Windows works.
Mine calls me a hobby spider because of how I keep catching and half consuming new ones all the time before cycling back to some other thing hanging from my web. Lol
Very Miyazaki/ Studio Ghibli
You only have 2 nerdy hobbies? What's it like to have all that extra money? I kid of course. Filament gets expensive quickly.
Metroid! The sound track was so awesome a heavy metal band recorded it as an album.