And a lot of them are not good at it
All cops are bastards is not just a leftist slogan, friend.
The type of person who wants to be a cop is the kind of person looking for excuses to kill people and get away with it. This is perfectly normal pig behavior.
There's no experiment necessary in proving nitrogen as a silent and painless killer. Scuba divers have done all of the experiments for us, mostly by accident.
Imprisonment is barbaric.
If someone has done something so bad that they should be locked up for life then they should be dispatched not kept as some kind of morbid pet of the state. If you murdered a bunch of people (mass killing of serial style) you need not waste any more of our air. If you rape you should be killed too. If you've gotten yourself on death row fuck your rights.
I use the German word Gesundheit. It means health. I will offer it for most audible bodily functions, though, not just sneezes.
Writer doesn't understand what SNAFU means.
Eh, maybe a nuclear winter will help stave off some of this global warming.
45, Georgia, USA (though Florida born) and I daily a 5 speed xB.
It's short for charisma. This isn't stupid at all compared to "cap" and "yeet".
We're the whole West. Didn't you know?