Yeah so I should take food from a food bank because I don't feel like paying for it, and that's completely fair to the homeless people. And I tried for my whole life to cut ties and I'm still stuck. Everyone else got to be kids during childhood, and I was trying to make money online to hopefully move out at 16 or 18. Still never got out.
With the current state of everything now, I wouldn't be missing out on anything. Everyone's a weed addict with attention spans of baby goldfish. Going anywhere in public puts me at risk of being pranked and filmed without my consent. Nothing matters and no one would be affected. I bet once the remains on the train tracks are identified as me, everyone will cheer.
Everyone else does between 15 and 19, they have their own houses and cars they bought with their jobs, yet I'm almost 30 and I have nothing. Everyone else is getting married at 23. At 30 I'll still be trying to move out just like I will be at 50, and 80, and after retiring I'll still be trying to move out by gambling or grinding online stuff until I die in the house I'll stuck in. Might as well cut my losses.
There are so many people who deserve it more, now why would I block them from receiving help, so I could be an even bigger burdensome waste of resources? Bruh, come on. My mother literally took food from a food bank that she didn't need, made each family member (except me because I'd escape) do it and take 4 times the amount alotted to each household, to just NOT use. Literally wasting resources that someone in need could use. Why would I do that myself?
I'm just saying if your life was ruined at the start then it's ruined forever, either continue living a ruined life or give up.
At this point I'm ready to die now. I would have waited a bit and spent time doing things partially enjoy before I end it but I'm heading out now. I'll just disappear and whoever actually cared about me 🤣 could ask if they even notice, then forget and live their actual lives without some idiot scumbag burden in it.
Cutting ties with family and moving out. Every apartment costs at least 20% more than I make monthly, a mortgage is out of the question after losing my credit last year, and working while living with these people is not sustainable. Every roommate is basically family but worse and there's no way I'm moving out from living with family to live with someone worse than family. Even if I find roommates that aren't nicotine or marijuana users, they'll be something worse the minute I'm stuck with them. No one knows how it feels being the only person who doesn't use that stuff, and being antagonized by groups of people withdrawing from it.
Why never on life, just asking. If it was completely ruined from the start, why not give up? If you spill ink over a painting, it's ruined and you toss it out.
I think putting over 10 years towards a goal and never achieving it means you should just give up
That woman should have never had kids.
I should have killed myself at 7 when I planned on stabbing myself in front of an oncoming train. I was right that nothing would change, I'd be stuck forever. There should be free euthanasia for specific diagnoses. I should have qualified even though it was a mistake. So many people were completely destroyed by the same facility. Literally dying is much better than living through that. Apparently if I drink a whole bottle of acetaminophen I could get liver damage so I'll probably do that at the train station and either be crushed by an express train or die before it.
Who knows. I let her get away despite us being pretty close friends. I think about her, I regret ditching her, but then I remember that not ditching her would mean I'd have to explain why I changed my name and I'd rather suck off a polar bear. Cis name changes are worse than genocide.