
joined 3 months ago
[–] TokenEffort 3 points 4 hours ago

I keep coming past this post and I can't unsee Byleth

[–] TokenEffort 2 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) (1 children)

I used to watch these game console startup compilations , and the X'Eye and Wondermega felt like fever dreams like lol imagine booting up a game console on Christmas morning and there's a dancing X or W with music that feels exactly like staying up past 6AM. I could not believe those existed.

[–] TokenEffort 4 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

I also remember thinking that all those CDi games were glorified DVD menus....

DVD menus had built in games with more gameplay than CD-i games lol

[–] TokenEffort 5 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

What were those devs thinking? No textboxes so deaf people can't play, there's one dungeon whose boss cannot be defeated with the weapon found in it (the weapon does NO DAMAGE lmao) and the ending is so bad the whole thing is just BAD

Edit: I keep coming past this thread and I just realized I forgot to include that pausing or unpausing the game takes not one, not two, but THREE SECONDS. And scrolling the screen takes five seconds.

[–] TokenEffort 3 points 16 hours ago

I don't have a real answer and I'm wired af right now so this comment is probably unhinged gibberish anyway but despite being physically emotionally and mentally stunted, having horrible brain fog and confusion, and a lot of other issues I'd assume no one would love me for I managed to find someone without those issues who likes me for who I am and really it's just about who you are as there's only one of you and if you're pretty awesome then any obstacle your disability poses is worth taking on, and if someone loves you then your disability wouldn't even matter all that matters is tuts you're your truest you and you're happy.

[–] TokenEffort 5 points 16 hours ago

Should have said "y'all"

[–] TokenEffort 10 points 19 hours ago (2 children)

You probably don't, there is not a single good game on there!

So yeah, Philips was granted usage of Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, Link, Zelda, Impa, and Ganon. One Mario game and two Zelda games were made, and they were so bad they were funny, to the point they were basically the backbone of Internet culture when several people made silly nonsensical remixes of the cutscenes.

Those games were in fact so important to many people's lives that a spiritual successor, Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore, was a success and even had a limited edition that came with the infamous CD-i "spoon" controller. What an amazing way to play a platformer...

There is also one more Zelda game that is forgotten by just about everyone. As the others were so bad they were funny, this one was so bad it was just bad. Try watching this without getting bored (impossible)

[–] TokenEffort 3 points 1 day ago

They might also prioritize technology over Gildan garments with expensive words on them. Seriously everyone thought I was ultra super rich with my Surface Headphones and Fire Emblem Fates Limited Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL but I wasn't, I just didn't spend that money on two pairs of sneakers with a basketball man's silhouette on them.

[–] TokenEffort 2 points 1 day ago

Beutiful What is you number please call me 248-434-5508 can I have your only fans /s

[–] TokenEffort 1 points 1 day ago

I dread when people ask me to help them with their phone because they're usually tiny as hell 🤣


If a child went insane something probably happened to them, but label that child with a puzzle piece and nothing happened, they were always insane.

[–] TokenEffort 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Did you love those college desks? Lmao when I was in college ironically they only had left handed ones. If only we had full desks that were for whichever.

[–] TokenEffort 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I'm the opposite as my hands are big af


I think I should cut my losses. If I accomplish anything, the stupid reason why I deserved to be abused for 20 years would be why. It'll also be why I didn't accomplish anything. I should have just died at birth like I was going to. Why did you interfere with god's plan and force me in a lifetime of suffering? What is the point? Some dying babies deserve to die and I'm proof of that.


I wanted to create entertainment media, clothes, websites, and a lot more honestly. I also thought of having children but I didn't think I'd ever find someone I actually loved. Well now I'm in a relationship, and children have been discussed multiple times, but I feel like I'm doing everything way too late. I'm 27, finding myself like a tween since I was abused into being a zombie when I was that age.

Everyone else already moved out at 19 and are married at 25 the latest and usually have children around 27. I'm still stuck living with family who bullied and abused me the most and still do today. I really did not want to choose between having children at a better time and experiencing having my own space where I won't be abused for being too comfortable or happy. I really wanted to have my own space I could decorate with things that wouldn't be destroyed by marijuana addicts who are So Enlightened and believe material possessions are meaningless. I wanted to experience having my own apartment originally for 10 years but now at least 5 years.

If I delay any more it'll be way too late to have children. They'll have a much higher chance of having some disability that society would bully them into suicide for having, or they won't have much time with their parents. I don't want to be old and needy while they're still growing either. I also don't want to miss out of creating the things I had planned either. There's no way I could work a job and raise them at the same time either.

I'd be able to do all these things if I were just raised as a kid instead of being locked away in an institution that made me less than dead weight for 10 years, forced to know my place as scum below society whose only value is inspiring actual people to not be outdone by worthless scum for the next 5 years before I dropped out of college, and forced to wait to grow until I wasn't in college anymore. I still hated myself to the point I continued to stagnate until I changed my name which I had to hide from family to avoid more bullying. But they eventually found out and I'm a much bigger joke than I was before.

I hate my family for taking 20 years from me that I'll never get back, and I hate all of society for justifying it, by claiming some stupid disorder that could mean anything could actually exist. What is the point of a disorder that literally only serves as a "Something Happened" error message? Oh right it's so quirky on tiktok and all these real actual people actually raised to be actually contributing members of society who made fun of those short bus kids who are so below them now call themselves that stupid word for clout. I hate this stupid world and honestly I was right when I wanted to die years ago knowing nothing would improve.


Not only restricted from children but also anyone over 50




This is a legitimate ad or a random person who paid to display it lol

Lawnmower rule (
submitted 1 week ago by TokenEffort to c/0x255

Can we just be so tired after work, leaning on each other in the middle of the day, drifting off to our breaths and the streamer playing super mario maker 2 in the background

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