While not angels during or after the war, Russia took the brunt of the Nazi war machine and deserves credit for their contributions for ending the war.
Are we hating on Linus here or agreeing with him? I'm so out of the loop.
I would have also allowed annexing.
When did they deport the gazans?
Yes, both of them at the double tree inn obviously
Yeah, it's better than their outright genocide but as you point out returning to the previous status quo isn't great...
Biden is such a joke.
also whoever designed it so I can't easily select and copy email addresses or other text on the page! Outlook is the worst offender for figuring out what to click just to copy an email but they all are terrible.
It's easy to take the piss out of magaheads cause obviously they were being swindled by a person and ideology that in no way threatens power and it's fun too. Wait... what was the point I was trying to make? Oh yeah, some of them will be disillusioned with the growing amount of contradictions and the left will can organize and pick some folks up, which would be neat. I don't know though, I'm not an organizer, just a shittalker online. so... yeah.
Only took over a year for them to see it, but uh... yeah. Go fuck yourself New York Times for acting like you had any journalistic integrity while cheer leading every war.
True. I was couching it for the .world and .works folks around.