Was denn jetzt schon wieder passiert?
I've had this discussion before, had the "proper way" of preparing them explained to me and made them according to these instructions. Turns out, I just don't like the taste. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Very nice! Thank you for reminding me of this game, I also wanted to give it a shot a few times before. Maybe I will now ;)
Observers blame years of underinvestment, cumbersome planning and approval procedures and political paralysis caused in recent years by the feuding ruling coalition, whose November collapse precipitated the polls.
That's pretty short-sighted. Long-standing infrastructure doesn't go bad in less than four years. The coalition that ruled the 16 years before is at least as much at fault for this.
Arthur my man!
My favorite track is Yellow Hyper Balls. The remaster doesn't do it justice imho.
My favorite is the Secluded Owl
Where can i ~~buy~~ get the crocheting pattern for this doll?
I don't see the issue?