It really isn't that far of a reach to support ukraines fight for sovereignty but also detest forced conscription.
It's not one or the other.
It really isn't that far of a reach to support ukraines fight for sovereignty but also detest forced conscription.
It's not one or the other.
Never even stated the US. Nato coalition toppled the saddam regime in like 65 hours 🤷
I just couldn't give enough of a shit about you to debate you tho. Stay mad dork
A competent world power with a modern military should and would have made it a three day sweep or less. Let alone a multi year war of attrition 💀
Also lmfao at the wall of cope you just typed up
"World (America) News"
'putin won't bite off more than he can chew unlike bibi'
Russian currently in year 3 of what should have been a 3 day sweep, with decimated industry, manpower, and economy.
Probably saw an acorn or a small friendly dog 🤷
Are we assuming the Russian conscript has a higher degree of education than the north Korean?
They're both totalitarian shitholes shoving their own version of lies down their citizens throats.
Now that's a political policy I can get behind!
Why is faggot such a prolific insult in Slavic nations? Is it just homophobia? Is it a lack of creativity?
'our diplomats are feeling unsafe because we publicly assassinated a political dissedent on foreign soil'