"Pirates! Gold" brings back some nostalgia. A friend of mine had the Sega channel when I was in middle school and that was one of the offerings one month. We stayed up into the wee hours of the morning playing that game for hours. Sword fighting and searching for buried treasure. Those were some good memories.
joined 2 years ago
Not good. Not terrible.
He did sabotage the Paris peace accords which ultimately extended the Vietnam War by many years. Also, he created the HMO system that kept the US from having Universal Healthcare. He also authorized G Gordon Liddy to wire tap his Democrat opponent (very much making him a crook). So... yeah. Bad president.
You're not wrong. You're just an asshole.
Sounds like treason talk.
A hover pack could be helpful to quickly cross bodies of water.
Which court? The Supreme Court? If not, then who would appoint the judges?
Pretty sure I went to school with Hogby.
I Won't Back Down - Tom Petty
This is how I pictured that "huh?"
This is all a conspiracy by big Font.