[-] [email protected] 44 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Basically they weren't originally planning on taking a photo of earth from the moon. The fact that they even had a camera was due to interest from a few astronauts in the earlier missions. The camera had its viewfinder stripped to save weight, so the astronauts couldnt see what they were filming. On that mission they were only planning to take photos of the moon's surface. And then they decided in the moment as the earthrise happened, that it needed to be photographed, and out of tons of shots they only got one clear image.

Maybe a little clickbaity but "It's highly imporbable that they got this shot" doesn't ring the same

[-] [email protected] 42 points 3 months ago

Yeah I got into lockpicking a few years ago, figured out how to pick all the random master locks i had lying around the house, and immediately after spending like 250 dollars on some specialty, hard-to-pick locks, I lost interest. Still keep my lockpicking set in my car in case anyone locks themselves out of the house or something, but the dopamine i got from picking those first few locks is gone. On to the next thing.

[-] [email protected] 39 points 4 months ago

Damn look at no-pain McGee over here. I rarely go a week without a headache necessitating a few ibuprofen

[-] [email protected] 40 points 8 months ago

As a Kentuckian, I'm very (pleasantly) surprised by this result. Sure, we've historically preferred a democratic governor, but I thought in the post Trump era that wouldn't matter. I was sure that the only reason Beshear beat Bevin in 2019 was because of all the shit Bevin pulled with teacher's pensions. Anyways, exciting stuff!

[-] [email protected] 39 points 8 months ago

The doors really open wide when you consider that the nominee can be someone outside of the House. I nominate my 14 year old nephew, i think he'd at least do better than any republican in congress.

[-] [email protected] 54 points 9 months ago

Yeah IMO this is more than youtube drama, this is someone threatening Jack and his wife by showing her fans where he lives

[-] [email protected] 53 points 10 months ago

Damn, I hadnt even thought about that. A class on Unity right now would be only a month in, and those professors are probably agonizing over whether to continue teaching a course on an engine that might not even be a relevant skill by the time the semester is over, or desperately try to switch gears and teach something completely different. I don't envy that decision, prepping a new course in the middle of a semester is a nightmare

[-] [email protected] 49 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Only tangentially related to the issue at hand, but Mr. Beast's smile terrifies me

[-] [email protected] 37 points 10 months ago

I can't believe I learned this from a meme

[-] [email protected] 47 points 11 months ago

I paid 5 dollars back in 2016, and I was fully expecting to pay more for this version. 20 dollars for no ads is fine by me. However, I don't feel like the 100 dollars for lifetime ultra is worth it. Maybe someday when I feel like those extra perks are worthwhile

[-] [email protected] 48 points 11 months ago

I don't think Samuel L Jackson really felt the burden, and i doubt Tupac would have either

[-] [email protected] 38 points 11 months ago

He's got the gaunt face of a man who's withering away. My grandpa, a much better man than McConnell, looked like that for the last few months of his life, despite spending the majority of his life with a slightly pudgy face. It is truly ghoulish the way they parade politicians like McConnell and Feinstein around as if they still have all their wits, when really they should have retired years ago. Hell, half the senate should have retired over a decade ago, but both parties value incumbency too much

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